Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Being a little camera shy. HATES being away from her brooder mates :)

Ohhh soo cute! Love love!
Mine aren't so little anymore but still cute... These two are my favorites.... The BO is Daisy and BR is Maude... They wouldn't go outside... Always curious and always sweet!!
how can you tell the gender early on , like the 3rd day. I heard at tractor supply co. they hold them by the head and if it fights back its a rooster and if it just sits there its a hen

the vid i saw
I got my chicks today! I picked them up from Meyer Hatchery this morning. You can't really see them all in this pic, but I got the following (pullets): 1 Olive Egger, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Blue Ameraucana, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 Buckeye, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Ancona, 1 Leghorn, 2 Welsummer, 2 Golden Buff. We also got five straight run Silkies, but we will only be able to keep the females. Very excited to have chicks again as we had to leave our old coop and flock behind when we moved last year.

lol that little barred rock chick in the back that is collapsed on its side like "Ahhhhh, heat lamp

Nope it's clearly dead.

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