Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

2 0f my 5 Barred Rocks(2 weeks old) found out they can sit on top of their Brooder Box
I just got mine today!!! I'll post pictures later but the chicks are sleeping :lol:  they are so cute! We have 2 buff orpingtons and 2 blue splash marans in this order. The marans don't really like me, YET! just wait till they learn who feeds them. But the buffs feel asleep on my chest... it was so cute. They really are sweet. Are the marans usually like this? they are really cute, too I want to snuggle with them ALL. But I really want the marans to like me but it is just the first day.
We got 6 leghorns, 5 buff orpingtons, 2 red sex links and 4 EE and they are all really friendly except the EE...then I hatched 18 eggs from different hens that were in with a black copper and blue copper Marans rooster, and all those chicks are like terrified of us. They will come over if I tap on the side of the brooder, but they run away again if I move...they will take bugs out of my hands, but don't really want to be near us...
Perhaps it is a Marans thing

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