One of the first things my broody hens do is take their chicks where they can peck at the ground and get grit in their system. After that they can eat pretty much anything she can provided it isn't too big for them to swallow and get into their gizzard. In that aspect they can have about any treats now.

But you are not a broody hen. I'd restrict any treats to what they can clean up in 10 minutes or so. Their chick Starter is a balanced diet. Don't give them enough of anything else to mess with a balanced diet. As long as you do not overdo it a few treats will not hurt them.

I let my broody hens manage that with their chicks. For my brooder-raised chicks I do not feed them anything other than their chick feed. I give them dirt from the run where the adults are so they can get grit, any probiotics the adults have, and to get them started on flock immunities. But nothing you would consider a treat. They don't need a treat. To me the main purpose of a treat is to make you feel good that you are doing something special for your chicks. Nothing wrong with that, just not necessary in my opinion.

They will probably consider anything different from their normal feed as a treat. Wetting it like Nuthatched mentioned would work. Occasionally putting their regular feed in a different type feeder or just sprinkling it on the ground could be considered a treat.

You can give them yogurt or crumbled boiled egg yolks or scrambled eggs (not too much oil or grease) without providing grit but with about anything else give them grit. And do not overdo it with treats.

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