Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


We got two more chicks this year a buckeye maned betty and a rhode island red australorp mix name beauty.

Aww I love your babies! :love
We moved the babies out of the house into the back room and gave them a bigger brooder; Day 2 and the seem to be happy
They will be 6 weeks old on Thursday; 2 Black Copper Marans and 3 Cream Crested Legbars

Thats cute =^-^=, makes me wanna pet your turkey, although i'll have my own giant turkeys to pet here soon too. ;) The sign said they were bronze turkeys. (does BBB mean Broad Breasted Bronze?)

Sorry been busy the last few days building my new chick brooder and cleaning coops lol never ending when you have 2 coops, a brooder and a full time job lol but I love it. :)
Yes BBB are broad breasted bronze and they're fast growers pretty much the equivalent of a Cornish fast growing meat bird. I'm sad to say I did have my hubby and neighbor process them last fall it was better than letting them continue to eat and get so big that their legs broke or hearts gave out. I won't raise turkeys again just because they take up a lot of space I much prefer my bantams and regular size laying hens.

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