Baby chick sick, wont move and breathes fast. help!


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2023
Yesterday and today the eggs my family and i have in our incubator started hatching. Everything has been going fine, but in the past hour one chick has gotten really sick. it cant walk, sprawls around, and is breathing very hard with its eyes closed. for context, it is about a day old and is a buff orpington x black star.
What is wrong with it, and what can i do?
Everything has been going fine, but in the past hour one chick has gotten really sick. it cant walk, sprawls around, and is breathing very hard with its eyes closed.
Possible splay leg or nutrient deficiency in the hatching egg.. How long ago did this one hatch, Is it still inside the incubator? Got any poultry nutri drench on hand?

Is it day 21 this chick hatched? Are you able to post a video of what you're seeing?

Possible splay leg or nutrient deficiency in the hatching egg.. How long ago did this one hatch, Is it still inside the incubator? Got any poultry nutri drench on hand?

Is it day 21 this chick hatched? Are you able to post a video of what you're seeing?

yes it's day 21, i believe it hatched about 10 hours ago
it's legs seem alright, compared to the other healthy chicks
cant make a video, but here is a picture attached
if it has a nutrient deficiency, what can be done?
thanks for responding


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if it has a nutrient deficiency, what can be done?
If you're in the US.. Poultry Nutri Drench.. is patented for rapid absorption and sometimes works miracles! Available at TSC and other feed stores.

Or If you already have it on hand.. liquid baby vitamins with NO iron.

I usually hold the chick in my hand with beak facing my forefinger.. place a drop directly below the nostrils, using my forefinger to help direct the drop and beak together.. the chick will naturally gobble and swallow when it feels the moisture enter the mouth.

Last ditch, very last ditch.. if no alternative is available maybe a raw egg yolk instead of the other suggestions.

I probably wouldn't (or might not) be pushing things quite this early and just wait to see if he does get his "land legs" under him.

I don't usually put newly hatched chicks directly onto shavings.. I use paper towels.. so I can see every one is pooping and such. Then again, I also usually wait until the next day to take them out of the bator. But there are always variables regarding others hatching or all finished and such..

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