Baby Chick toes bleeding


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
My niece was playing with her baby chicks this morning and she put one under a cup and then noticed that two of the toes were bleeding. The chicks were separated immediately and after examining them, I'm pretty sure only one toe was bleeding and it looks as if a clot was developing, but, I put cornstarch on it anyway, The other toe just appears to maybe be nicked and mostly bruised. Both toes are still straight, what is the next step we should take? There are only two chicks and they are 2-3 weeks old. They belong to my sister and she had to leave, so I am over here helping out.
I would probably say something fell on the toes or the other one picked at them. Does the other chick bother her toes? Could she have burned them on anything?
Clean gently with peroxide and apply some neosporin WITHOUT the pain stuff.
If she's using her foot she should be okay. If the other one is picking at her toes I would separate them.

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