Baby chicks failing to thrive??


In the Brooder
Jan 11, 2020
Hi, i have 9 baby chicks between 4 and 6 weeks old. They are australorps and barnevelders. They are reared under a brooder (ecoglow) and kept on pine shavings. Two of the chicks are still the same size as a 1 week old chick! The only feathering they have is wing tips. One chick appears completely healthy. The other has its eyes closed, bit crusty around corners of beak and a dirty white butt. It still rushes out to feed when goodies arrive (has full crop), drinking etc. Does spend a lot of time under heat source. Its been like this for 2 weeks...not appearing to get any worse. ALSO i have them all on medicated chick starter AND amprolium in water but they continue to have blood in poo?? Any ideas? Thanks bec
Would you please post pics? Makes it easier to visualize what each chick is going through. It sounds like you've got several issues at once. The first thing I would do is replace the shavings with dried all purpose sand. Pine can trigger breathing problems. The only thing I put in the water for all my chicks is organic apple cider vinegar. It has enzymes that are beneficial for digestion. Not sure what the additive is that you're using but it could be just fine. There are many very knowledgeable chicken keepers here that will be able to help you better than me. Keep us posted!
Hi, i have 9 baby chicks between 4 and 6 weeks old. They are australorps and barnevelders. They are reared under a brooder (ecoglow) and kept on pine shavings. Two of the chicks are still the same size as a 1 week old chick! The only feathering they have is wing tips. One chick appears completely healthy. The other has its eyes closed, bit crusty around corners of beak and a dirty white butt. It still rushes out to feed when goodies arrive (has full crop), drinking etc. Does spend a lot of time under heat source. Its been like this for 2 weeks...not appearing to get any worse. ALSO i have them all on medicated chick starter AND amprolium in water but they continue to have blood in poo?? Any ideas? Thanks bec
Welcome To BYC!

Can you please post some photos of the brooder, your chicks and especially of the one with the white butt (whole body, vent, eyes, etc.)

They have blood in their poop? Can you get some poop photos too?
How much amprolium are you giving?

How warm is the brooder?
Where are you keeping the brooder?
Welcome To BYC!

Can you please post some photos of the brooder, your chicks and especially of the one with the white butt (whole body, vent, eyes, etc.)

They have blood in their poop? Can you get some poop photos too?
How much amprolium are you giving?

How warm is the brooder?
Where are you keeping the brooder?
Thanks for the replies! The brooder is a brinsea ecoglow (its a heated panel they get under). They are outside during the day and brought inside at night (day av temp 24 degrees c, night time about 16). I cant get a pic of poo atm, but there tends to just be a red spot or smudge in some of the more than 2-5% of poo. Ive got pic showing size difference. The little black is one of the non growers, and theres pic of crusty beak and eye and butt of the other. They are getting medicated starter (contains coxistac 120g/kg) and aprolium 200g/kg in water at 1.25g/L). Thanks again


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Hi, i have 9 baby chicks between 4 and 6 weeks old. They are australorps and barnevelders. They are reared under a brooder (ecoglow) and kept on pine shavings. Two of the chicks are still the same size as a 1 week old chick! The only feathering they have is wing tips. One chick appears completely healthy. The other has its eyes closed, bit crusty around corners of beak and a dirty white butt. It still rushes out to feed when goodies arrive (has full crop), drinking etc. Does spend a lot of time under heat source. Its been like this for 2 weeks...not appearing to get any worse. ALSO i have them all on medicated chick starter AND amprolium in water but they continue to have blood in poo?? Any ideas? Thanks bec

I had a sick chick. Sounds like same problem. If the vent is crusted you have to use q-tip or wash cloth with warm water to clean dried debris. You can further research if u believe this is the case.
Vent is stopping them from pooping. Have to keep their behinds (all around vent)charmin clean. Keep check for other issues but this is most certainly A problem. You can also apply vaseline with q tip to the surrounding feathers to reduce the frequency of crusty bottoms.
Thanks! I have been cleaning butt (photo is of 5-6 hrs accumulation)...but it dosent seem to have pasted over at any stage... as yet..? Ive also used some warm eyewash and soaked eyes to get rid of crust...which has allowed her to open her eyes. Vaseline is a good tip too , thanks!

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