Baby chicks & young chicks


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2017
I have read several posts of this subject but they all seem to talk about adult chickens with babies.

I have 2 chicks that are about a month old and we just bought 2 chicks that are only 2 days old. We put them all together and they were getting along perfectly. Merlin (we think he is a rooster) has all the chicks trying to get underneath him. He has let them do that all day but when it got late in the night he has been pecking all 3 of the chicks. The older one and the 2 new ones. He has been pecking a bunch. I don't understand cause during the day he loved them and now he seems mad. Is this normal?
Here are some pics of all the chicks trying to snuggle under the bigger chick (Merlin)
I have read several posts of this subject but they all seem to talk about adult chickens with babies.

I have 2 chicks that are about a month old and we just bought 2 chicks that are only 2 days old. We put them all together and they were getting along perfectly. Merlin (we think he is a rooster) has all the chicks trying to get underneath him. He has let them do that all day but when it got late in the night he has been pecking all 3 of the chicks. The older one and the 2 new ones. He has been pecking a bunch. I don't understand cause during the day he loved them and now he seems mad. Is this normal? [IMG]
Here are some pics of all the chicks trying to snuggle under the bigger chick (Merlin) [IMG][IMG][/QUOTE]
I never mix them at that much age difference because of that problem and other problems. Yes some times they get along good, some times they don't. 2 day old chicks require 95 degree heat for the first week, then 90 degree the second. 4 to 5 week olds do not need no where near that much heat which is another reason I do not mix in the same brooder. If you do not have the brooder warm enough for the 2 day old chicks---they will try to get under the older birds to warm---even if it means death from the pecking. Good Luck
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It depends upon your set up. As PDR states, they have huge differences in their requirements as well as size. IF you were brooding them in your coop, where they had plenty of room, and were able to separate the littles, giving them an appropriate heat source (I'm a fan of a heating pad cave) for a few days/or a week, and allowing them together when you could supervise, you would easily have them integrated and doing well together by the time the littles are 2 weeks old. Those 4 week old chicks should be weaned off heat completely if you have them in your house, and with proper conditioning should be in your coop without supplemental heat by the time they are 5 weeks old.

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