Baby Chicks

Wow that sure looks like a cut line, I’ve never heard of de-beaking a chicken.

Is the baby eating and drinking ok? This would be my first concern, can the baby still peck and eat, and get water into its mouth and hold it long enough to get her little head back to swallow.
I have been watching them no issues as of now,Thank God.
Hi , I’m new to raising chickens but have dived right in, buying 11 chicks from Tractor Supply 2 weeks ago. As time has gone by, 3 of my chicks have broken their beaks, and all 3 are ISA browns. I got 3 ISAs, 3 buffs, 2 barred rocks, 2 Wyandotte’s and an ameraucana, but only the ISAs broke their beaks, and all of them at that. One of them broke the lower beak as well. One looks very red underneath. They were not like this when I bought them.
Hi , I’m new to raising chickens but have dived right in, buying 11 chicks from Tractor Supply 2 weeks ago. As time has gone by, 3 of my chicks have broken their beaks, and all 3 are ISA browns. I got 3 ISAs, 3 buffs, 2 barred rocks, 2 Wyandotte’s and an ameraucana, but only the ISAs broke their beaks, and all of them at that. One of them broke the lower beak as well. One looks very red underneath. They were not like this when I bought them.
I'm sorry to hear that...It's honestly mind blowing to me. I wonder why that would only happen to the ISA brown. I bought 6 Bantams straight run and they never any issues. Plus the fact that it happens to be from the same store makes me wonder.

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