baby duck with lots of problems

Thanks Miss Lydia. It's so hard to see the babies sitting in crates to go to their new home. I almost told them I changed my mind we want to keep the babies. The 2 momma ducks in the back yard still have 2 babies left. We won't be able to go near them for a while. The momma duck in the front yard seems happy to have some rest and relaxation time. We gave away all her babies.

Turbo ate like usual. I felt so sorry for him I didn't wake up until 10 this morning. He waited patiently for his breakfast. He's a sweetheart.

Thanks Smurfbrew I'm feeling better today still not up to snuff but I'll get there.

I'm going to check that site for a harness.That's what I was trying to make but couldn't quite get it together. Something to where it is going to hold him up. Thanks so much.

Have a great day all I'm going to take Turbo out for his PT and Que Sera for her romp around my feet time. I did put Que Sera in the wadding pool outside yesterday. She loved it. When the big ducks come up to her she opens her bill and hisses at them. She has them all buffaloed.

Here you guys go, Patty's been asking me to do this for a few days and I just got around to it.
-Robbie *the grandson

#9 pic is my favorite too. Que Sera adores him I think he just tolerates her. The PT boards are helping a little. He seems to be going faster on them. Hubbie is going to get some more boards soon and expand them so he won't come to the end and have to be turned around. Turbo got his bath in the sink for his pic and Que Sera swam in the kiddie pool for hers. They both are fluffy clean. There is a very big difference in the size. She can't understand why Turbo just can't get up and walk with her. She remains his faithful friend.

#9 pic is my favorite too. Que Sera adores him I think he just tolerates her. The PT boards are helping a little. He seems to be going faster on them. Hubbie is going to get some more boards soon and expand them so he won't come to the end and have to be turned around. Turbo got his bath in the sink for his pic and Que Sera swam in the kiddie pool for hers. They both are fluffy clean. There is a very big difference in the size. She can't understand why Turbo just can't get up and walk with her. She remains his faithful friend.

That was such a good idea your hubs has with the PT boards. Hopefully Turbo will reap the benefits. They both are so precious
Hubby is really good about building things for the chickens and ducks. He has built 2 coops, ladders, perches, nesting boxes, little houses for the broody ducks when they refused to go in their big coop.

I wrote a note to the etsy sight to see if they think they can make Turbo a harness. I hope they get back with me. It's going to have to be a tiny harness.


They are so adorable I can't stand it! @Juliebird needs to see these pics.

Your hubby is awesome for hanging in there for so long and BRILLIANT for making the maze. What a strong willed little duckling. Thanks for including us!
They are so cute.
So will Turbo be an inside duck or do you think he will get strong enough to go out?

I have just gotten my Storey's guide to raising ducks and another book and they talk about inside ducks.

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