baby duck with lots of problems

Well I sit outside for several hours and the hawk didn't show up. Thanks goodness I hope he's moved on to somewhere besides here. . I had great company with the chickens and ducks and of course Ozzie the dog.

We are getting some much needed rain and I hope the grass seed that hubbie planted comes up if the chickens didn't eat it all.

Hopefully the hawk has gone south but not this way.

Good to hear your getting rain, hope you see some grass shooting up soon,we put out some grass seed last Friday and we're suppose to get some rain over night hopefully ours will come up too.
Hopefully the hawk has gone south but not this way.

Good to hear your getting rain, hope you see some grass shooting up soon,we put out some grass seed last Friday and we're suppose to get some rain over night hopefully ours will come up too.
No hawk sightings this morning. YEAH

I think the grass is a lost cause but hubbie keeps buying the seed. We have way to much traffic in the yard between the ducks and the chickens I don't know which one is the worst. The ducks root in the ground and make holes with their bills and the chickens dig. I hope your grass comes up for you and the chickens leave it alone.

I still have to give Clyde his other half of the pill the girls got done early and run over to grab his bread. If Topper gets his pill she'll be doing the hulu dance in the front yard.

No hawk sightings this morning. YEAH

I think the grass is a lost cause but hubbie keeps buying the seed. We have way to much traffic in the yard between the ducks and the chickens I don't know which one is the worst. The ducks root in the ground and make holes with their bills and the chickens dig. I hope your grass comes up for you and the chickens leave it alone.

I still have to give Clyde his other half of the pill the girls got done early and run over to grab his bread. If Topper gets his pill she'll be doing the hulu dance in the front yard.

The hawk must have flown all night and was here this morning Patty, so none of mine are getting out of the fence today for foraging. Not only 1 but 3 were flying low over the house. Big red tails.

This grass is planted behind dh's tractor shed and we rolled that straw looking stuff down over it since it's a steep bank and needed something to hold the seed on till it starts coming up. So hopefully they won't find it till it's growing since they can't get out. DH doesn't think they can stand on that bank I beg to differ. lol
The hawk must have flown all night and was here this morning Patty, so none of mine are getting out of the fence today for foraging. Not only 1 but 3 were flying low over the house. Big red tails.

This grass is planted behind dh's tractor shed and we rolled that straw looking stuff down over it since it's a steep bank and needed something to hold the seed on till it starts coming up. So hopefully they won't find it till it's growing since they can't get out. DH doesn't think they can stand on that bank I beg to differ. lol

Oh no not the hawks at your house too. This is the worst I have ever seen them. Everyday just about then they come back later on. I did not see any today at all. Thank goodness. If Ozzie hears any of the chickens do the hawk alert call he comes running. He come very close to getting that one the other day. Knock on wood we've had some close calls but no injuries. Be careful Patti they are brave and you think they are gone and then here they are again.

I think the chickens might be able to get the seed on the hillside. If there is a will there is a way and they will find it.

Oh no not the hawks at your house too. This is the worst I have ever seen them. Everyday just about then they come back later on. I did not see any today at all. Thank goodness. If Ozzie hears any of the chickens do the hawk alert call he comes running. He come very close to getting that one the other day. Knock on wood we've had some close calls but no injuries. Be careful Patti they are brave and you think they are gone and then here they are again.

I think the chickens might be able to get the seed on the hillside. If there is a will there is a way and they will find it.

I think so too Patty, but since I am keeping them up right now maybe it will have a chance to start growing before they find it. I looked today and I guess it's still too early it was just last Friday when we put it out.
I was painting some boxes my dh made for me to use over winter to put my heated dog bowls in since I feed the flock fermented feed well, I was on the front porch and saw that huge hawk land in the tree right out side of the fence so did everyone else.
Those hawks have everyone on alert makes me nervous.
Patti have you seen anymore hawks? I hope not. So far so good here no hawks sighted for 2 days here. Knocking on wood here.

Yesterday hubbie and I cleaned the coop. It really needed it bad. We rearranged a lot of things and took out some of the nesting boxes. Hubbie patched the floor that had burned last winter and we just had it covered with a piece of wood. The chickens were upset with the new arrangement they are such creatures of habit. It will take them some time to get used to everything. It looks so nice and clean now but it won't take them long to mess it up.

I hope everyone has a nice day and hugs a chicken or duck or a cute little finch duck.


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