baby duck with lots of problems

Yes the chickens know how to play you that's for sure. They have that I am starving look do you have a crust of bread for us? You know they've been fed and the bowls are full but they want snacks. People food. It works even better when they are standing in the pouring down rain begging.

I'm glad you are getting some grass to grow but your right don't let the chickens know it. Between the drought and the foot traffic here we don't have any grass. The ducks and the chickens eat the seed as he throws it down so that is a lost cause.I know if I put some grass seed in their food bowls they probably wouldn't touch it.

Poor Opie he has been moulting so long now. Maybe you can bring him in tomorrow and put his little flannel jacket on. He looks so cute in that. Give him a big hug and kiss from me and tell him he's still handsome even if he is bald in places.

Yep they are all like puppies with feathers that is the only difference. lol Well I caved and let Opie inside that poor pitiful face I could resist anymore the neighbor will just have to understand.
I do too I don't like for anyone to be bullied.  I want peace and harmony in my yard.  

I agree. Even in my cage. My tiny ducks fight and when I get home there's feathers all over the floor. I feel so bad. I know its cuz they're bored. That's why I let them loose soon as I am home.
Yes the chickens know how to play you that's for sure.  They have that I am starving look do you have a crust of bread for us?  You know they've been fed and the bowls are full but they want snacks.  People food.  It works even better when they are standing in the pouring down rain begging.

I'm glad you are getting some grass to grow but your right don't let the chickens know it.  Between the drought and the foot traffic here we don't have any grass. The ducks and the chickens eat the seed as he throws it down so that is a lost cause.I know if I put some grass seed in their food bowls they probably wouldn't touch it.

Poor Opie he has been moulting so long now.  Maybe you can bring him in tomorrow and put his little flannel jacket on.  He looks so cute in that.  Give him a big hug and kiss from me and tell him he's still handsome even if he is bald in places.  

Heehee, little manipulators.
We are getting some rain today which we really need.  Both of our tanks that hold rain water to water the ducks and chickens are completely empty.  The ducks are enjoying the mud puddles I didn't even recognize them when I fed them this morning.  

The chickens are not happy campers this morning.  I didn't let them out, I turned on their light and kept the door closed.  I wanted to see how their going to do this winter when they are shut up.  It's pouring down rain and they would stand on the back porch looking in and showing me how pitiful they look in the rain.  I hope that Bubba leaves Coach alone and doesn't fight with him.  Jr usually stays in the cage so Bubba shouldn't be fighting with him.  There are plenty of places for Coach to hide if Bubba picks a fight with him. I'll check on them through out the day and see how their doing and if it stops raining I will let them out.  

I hope everyone has a nice day and hug your ducks or chickens or finch ducks.

oh winter. A whole not fun dimension with the birds to deal with. Good idea you are settling them into their routine.
Yes the chickens know how to play you that's for sure.  They have that I am starving look do you have a crust of bread for us?  You know they've been fed and the bowls are full but they want snacks.  People food.  It works even better when they are standing in the pouring down rain begging.

I'm glad you are getting some grass to grow but your right don't let the chickens know it.  Between the drought and the foot traffic here we don't have any grass. The ducks and the chickens eat the seed as he throws it down so that is a lost cause.I know if I put some grass seed in their food bowls they probably wouldn't touch it.

Poor Opie he has been moulting so long now.  Maybe you can bring him in tomorrow and put his little flannel jacket on.  He looks so cute in that.  Give him a big hug and kiss from me and tell him he's still handsome even if he is bald in places.  

Ha, your chicken birds know about the grass seed.
You made me laugh Patty I get the same look when mine come to the back door, most of the time it's the I am starved look like she hasn't feed us in months and I am the one who feeds them.
I've never left mine closed up before they have their doors open but they hang out under the wood shed when it's raining or snowing there are a few that will venture out in it but not many. Mainly my older roo and his girl they can get pretty drippy. And poor Opie I wouldn't let him in today because I have a neighbor coming by for a visit this afternoon and I didn't want her to think the dogs got hold of a feather pillow, so he was looking pretty dejected at the back fence. It's raining here to. good for the grass. Ours has actually come up but I have to whisper that.

I was thinking...hey, never mind the neighbor!

Yep they are all like puppies with feathers that is the only difference. lol Well I caved and let Opie inside that poor pitiful face I could resist anymore the neighbor will just have to understand.

And then I saw this one. Yay!
I agree. Even in my cage. My tiny ducks fight and when I get home there's feathers all over the floor. I feel so bad. I know its cuz they're bored. That's why I let them loose soon as I am home.
What your Muscovy Finch Ducks fight? It just goes to show ya even the tinnies need stimulation. TV, Radio, Hot Tub.

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