Baby Emu's for sale in NC


Do you have one adult male emu that needs a home? I currently have two females and a male and the single female is getting "OSTRICHsized" by the others and chased around. She needs a boyfriend. Her husband passed away a few months ago. Please let me know if you have any or if you know of anyone else that may.

Thank you
How old are they how much you asking and yes i have a male. I would love to talk to you more

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My female is about 6-7 years old. I don't know how much emus go for honestly. The ones we have were given to us by farmers that were no longer in the business a few years back. We just want one as a pet to be with our female emu. How much are you asking?
I called a minute ago and no answer.Ii should probably know how far away you are . We are in Pittsboro NC.

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