Baby goat with no appetite?


12 Years
Apr 11, 2012
Nova Scotia
So I work at a place that has a petting zoo. There is a momma goat and her 2 kids. One kid is getting bigger, running jumping eating and generally being a little boy goat. the other one though does not seem to be growing at all. He nibbles a little food, but isnt really interested in eating or playing. he does not outwardly act sick. He is the same age as the other kid.

I was hoping someone could shed some light on what is going on? I know nothing about goats.

They are both around 6 months old.
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Have these goats ever been given a preventive or treatment for coccidia? If not, I would suggest a treatment dose, for both, ASAP. Even the one that is doing well. This about it and how to treat it!

Coccidiosis is a killer of kids, and all adult goats carry the pathogen in their gut, just in subclinical/non disease causing levels. Often the first thing someone notices is an unthrifty kid that isn't growing as well. Failure to thrive, almost. That is because the protozoan is damaging the lining of the kid's intestine, preventing proper nutrient absorption. Diarrhea may or may not be present, and can be bloody in the later stages.
Pull down the lower eyelid and se what color it is. It should be reddish or dark pink. If it is pale pink or white that means anemia usually caused by internal parasites. is his coat? Is it rough and drab or smooth and shiny? Check for lice. Sometimes only one animal in a pen is infested with them. Another possibility is chronic pneumonia.
Ill talk to the guy about symptoms today. I'll ask about runny stool and such. They are not penned in a tiny pen, its a good sized run with lots of grass. I suspect parasites. Maybe if I remember, I'll go up to the hill and take a look at the little guy myself. I'll keep you posted.
So it looks like the little guy has mites, and pretty bad too.

What should I use on him to kill them?

What is a safe wormer for him?
O have the horse kind, its the only kind I can get. Its in the oral tube.

ivermectin 1.87% praziquantel 14.03% w/w

It only gives dosages above 220lbs.

Im thinking the baby goat cant be much more between 35-50lbs.

I just read its 2-3 times the dose for goats. Is that true, and if so, does that mean I can give him enough for a 150lb animal?

The brand is Equimax.
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I always recommend giving a medication via the ROUTE it is intended. Injectible ivermectin works best when given via injection. If you want to give it orally...purchase the oral form.
O have the horse kind, its the only kind I can get. Its in the oral tube.

ivermectin 1.87% praziquantel 14.03% w/w

It only gives dosages above 220lbs.

Im thinking the baby goat cant be much more between 35-50lbs.

I just read its 2-3 times the dose for goats. Is that true, and if so, does that mean I can give him enough for a 150lb animal?

The brand is Equimax.

First, get an ACCURATE weight on them. Pick them up, and stand on a bathroom scale if you must. If you give the wrong dose, it won't do much good. Too little wormer...and the crawly critters become resistant. Too much, and you could have a dead animal. Except ivermectin has a very wide safety margin, meaning it is harder to overdose.

Goats have a higher metabolism, so they really do need a double or triple dose.

To make sure you accurately measure the amount of wormer from the tube, squirt it into a syringe without a needle. So if you calculate you need 3cc (1cc=1mL) of medication, fill up a 3cc syringe all the way. If you need 4cc, then use a 6 cc syringe and fill to the 4cc mark. It also make giving it a lot easier, since you squirt it into their mouths with a little syringe, and you give exactly the amount intended.

Also, I still insist that they get treated for coccidia, if they never have been. Coccidia are not killed by a wormer like ivermectin, they need a different medication. The weaker kid needs every bit of a boost as he/she can get, and having even a moderate coccidia load in the gut can put a run down goat at serious risk. Even a weak adult can become susceptible.
Im really trying to get in contact with the owner of the goat before I do any work on him. The poor thing is wasting away. If I can get the ownership of the goat, I will treat him, but without ownership, I would hate to have a backlash from the owner later down the line. The guy is a creep from what I understand and I dont really want to deal with him, but for the sake of the animal, I will.

Cross your fingers and hope he will give me ownership.
I got permission from the owner! Im now the proud owner of one little billy goat! Im going to need a ton of help from everyone here that knows anything about goats!!

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