baby goats


10 Years
Jul 13, 2009
Southern VA
Can someone give me the basic rundown of baby goat care? They are off the bottle and eating is all I know lol

A friend of mine wants one for weed control on her land, the seller will only sell them in 2s and she is giving us the other one, I have NO clue about goats AT ALL!!! So swamp me with goat care please!!!

The seller will only sell them in pairs because goats are a herd animal and need other goats to keep them happy. It is like having only 1 chicken or 1 goose. They will be miserable without company and need their "herd".
Above poster is correct. A lone goat is trouble looking for a place to happen. Most become such a pain in the *** that shooting them seems to kind. They need a buddy. Care for goats is simple. A basic goat feed at your local feed store is fine. Fancy show goat feed not necessary. Half inch cake is good. Worm with Ivermectrin once or twice a year and your usually fine.
When i asked her more about them this is what she sent me: (she is paying 25.00 each for hers)

Alpine Dairy Goats – all different colors available

Regisgered with ADGA – with papers for young ones

Mature Miking Does ~ $200

Proven Bucks ~ $200

Young intact buck ~ $75 with out papers

Young intact buck ~ $100 with papers

Wethers $40 per 1 but negotiable for more than 1
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If she is getting males she will want to make sure they are wethers (castrated) or they will STINK when they get older and can get agressive. Wethers make great pets and no Sr. Reeky-Stinky.

Hoof trimming is also needed if hooves do not wear down on their own__some do, some don't. I would also recommend an annual vaccination for CDT and rabies along with deworming with Safeguard or Ivomectin.
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I knew to tell her to either get females or neutered males! I told her I knew the males stunk to high heavens! lol

Ok folks if she gets them and will only keep 1, and we get the other 1 (not for sure yet, if I get it, it will have to have a buddy)

Anyway does anyone have a favorite website/book etc.. on goat care, housing, feed, etc..
The breeder might want to know what she's planning. I don't let my kids go as singles, they don't have to go in pairs as long as the buyer has another goat. I would be ticked off to find out a buyer was doing this w/ any of my kids. Personally I'd go w/ the friend so you can get a second goat at the same time, they will be much less stressed going together, and knowing each other.

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