
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Northern Va.
You'll probably think I'm crazy but...seems I was having a big mouse problem in my kitchen so I set one of those hava-heart traps under the sink (where I saw most of the evidence) and, in all, I caught 7 mice over a period of 4 days. I drove to a County owned farm that exists solely to educate children about country life since I live right outside Washington DC and let them go outside the sheep barn. As luck would have it, I must have nabbed a mamma mouse as 3 little babies have come wandering out. I caught the first one on Saturday and then another the next day and another the next day. They have their fur and their eyes are open but they are only the size of a large acorn and I'm sure they aren't independent yet. Here's what I've done for them so far. I've got them in a small plastic container and I use chick starter as bedding for them. The container is sitting on a heating pad set on low. I put the lint from my dryer in there as nesting material and I have been feeding them crushed up dry dog food soaked in milk which I put in a small, shallow lid. I guess they must be eating it because it's been several days and they're still alive. Does anybody have any further advice on what I can do for these cuties. I know, I know. They'll grow up to be pains-in-the-butt (IF they grow up) but I plan on setting them free when they're ready. I was reading the post in general on how angry people were that someone just cast out those 3 poor little chicks that were used as a joke in someone's wedding (horrible!) and I loved the caring manner which everyone showed towards helpless little baby creatures. Well, that's how I felt when I saw those teensy little "meeses" crawling across the floor looking for their mother and a nice warm drink of milk. I thought about letting them go where I let the others go but I doubt they would have found each other as the mother was let go there days before I found the first one. Has anyone else here tried to save baby mice? Even though these are alive, they look awful - their fur is all matted - but I guess that's from crawling around in the food?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you from a big sucker!!
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Well, I have heard of using a piece of string/yarn to feed tiny babies (soak the piece, then hold it for them and let them suck). Make sure they are warm enough.

My big concern would be that they may NOT be able to be re-released. They aren't going to know how to look for food out there on their own, Kwim? Maybe the educational farm would be interested in keeping them at that point, though, since it might be valuable to educate kids!

Good luck with your babies!
Aww, I would've done the same thing. (Although my dad probably would have killed them :mad:) I would say as long as they're fed and warm they will be fine!
If you let the mice go they probally will get eaten because they do not know how to find food or stay safe in the wild.javascript:insert_text('
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I've raised rats for about 2 years now. From your description, it sounds as if they may be about 3-4 weeks old. If they seem fairly steady on their feet, I'd say closer to the 4 weeks, if not older. At this age, aside from proper mouse/rat food pellets, you can feed them lettuce, cat or dog food (in moderation, too much protien is very bad for them), nuts, seeds, veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, spinach etc. but not canned-frozen (thawed) is fine. They like cheerios and plain cooked rice or noodles. Fruits such as apple, banana, melons are okay, stay away from citrus.

If you are considering keeping them, they do make very adorable and friendly pets and are super smart. They do well with pine or aspen shavings as bedding, no cedar or overly aromatic wood shavings. They will live approximately 2-3 years, longer with excellent care. Be sure to separate the boys from the girls or you'll have waaaay too many waaaay too quick. You'll be able to tell the boys easily as their, um... equipment ...shows up quickly. Provide a small dark box for them to hide in and lots of toys to play with. Toilet tissue rolls are a favorite.

If you plan to release back into the wild, try not to handle them too much. And don't try and play with them or touch them. Let them be afraid of you. They will naturally find things to eat out there, they are after all, foragers. When you release them, try and place them somewhere that they will quickly find cover, preferably somewhere with dense grass or other flora as this will be where they find water (dew in the mornings) if there is no discernable source for water around. I would say that a couple of weeks should be sufficient to keep before release.

Good going on saving those babies, not many people would have since they are 'pests'. They can't help what they are, though so again, kudos to you!

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