Baby quail making pig noises

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
My 4 weeks and 6 days old quail, Cinni, whose gender I don't know, has been making pig noises. I'll have to try getting a video in the morning, but it sounds like little pig oinks to me. I do not know the gender of the bird.

What could this mean?

I hope the link works, it's the tiny (runty) quail, Cinni.

She's been a bit territorial in her new cage, none of the other quail are being territorial or fighting with others. They are all chill with eachother, Sugar is fitting in fine and none of the quail are attacking her, but Cinni is chasing others away, maybe?

It's in this video. None of the other birds are being mean to her.
That noise is not a happy noise.
Someone is upset. I can't tell in the video who is making it but that dark one looks a little mad.
That noise is not a happy noise.
Someone is upset. I can't tell in the video who is making it but that dark one looks a little mad.
It's the dark tiny one. What do I do about it? As I said before, she's the only one being territorial and she isn't being provoked.

She only stops when I hug her and give her a treat...
It's the dark tiny one. What do I do about it? As I said before, she's the only one being territorial and she isn't being provoked.

She only stops when I hug her and give her a treat...
I'd tell you to stop rewarding her for it and to leave them all alone for a while so they can work it out themselves.
They have got a whole corner with toys behind the plants. The whole bottom level is dark, and I leave that section alone unless I'm cleaning. The box looking thing behind the plants has shavings in it, and is twice the size of the other hiding spots. I get most of their eggs from there and in the other shavings/sand bit.

I clean the ramps and change the paper towels daily, and do a half or third change of their bedding as well as adding to their shell grit. I add food or water whenever they are less than half full.

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