Baby quail with ankle sideways?


Apr 18, 2021
I am new to taking care of quail chicks one hatched with a sideways ankle. I tried to fix it with a bandage because his toes were curled but he still has a sideways ankle. He not in pain he does fine but i want to fix his ankle. Can someone help me?
If you can correct it early, that would be great. If not though, the quail will most likely adapt to walking that way.
I agree, I was waiting to see a photo before I tossed in my 2 cents, but I have corrected a twisted ankle before, by holding it into the right shape, but it needs to be done in the first 24 hours, the earlier the better. They might never have mobility in the joint, but having it pointing the right way gives them far better balance and mobility.
He is about 3 weeks old he had curled toe and I fixed that. But his ankle is still sideways.
Is it tilted out like that at the hock (knee)? From the photo it looks like the hock is twisted, and the ankle is bent forward.

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