Baby Seramas - their crops


Jun 22, 2020
Warwick, NY
Can anyone tell me about the crops of Serama baby chicks???
I had one that was very weak, it had spraddle leg, and an inflamed crop...
I’m noticing that the other 3 might have an inflamed crop at the moment... it’s not hard, soft and swollen. But it’s too big. It’s alarming. I’m wondering if it’s the food, the bedding, the grit... I’m concerned...
This is their brooder... we are feeding them medicated chick starter food...
The feed sounds like it should be fine.
I would remove the shavings and put down a paper towels only for a few days...To make sure they are not eating the shavings.

They need to keep warm so by removing them from their box and playing with them on your lap is not a good idea.
What exactly are you feeding them?
Can you take a few pictures of your brooder?
The feed sounds like it should be fine.
I would remove the shavings and put down a paper towels only for a few days...To make sure they are not eating the shavings.

They need to keep warm so by removing them from their box and playing with them on your lap is not a good idea.
True. Excellent suggestions. Thank you so much. I appreciate you loving chickens so much, that you would be interested enough to respond to me! Happy Happy New Year ❤️✨
Looking at your brooder pictures, it looks like they have darkness at night, right?
Get up early tomorrow morning and check their crops while it's still dark.
If the crops are empty then, they are probably fine.

Baby chicks like to really stuff their crops full of food, especially before bed--so you might be seeing something normal. Full at bedtime and empty in the morning is normal if they sleep in the dark.

If they have light all the time, they will tend to eat during the night too, so they will have full crops all the time. This is common when using a heat lamp, but not with the style of brooder I see in your picture.
Looking at your brooder pictures, it looks like they have darkness at night, right?
Get up early tomorrow morning and check their crops while it's still dark.
If the crops are empty then, they are probably fine.

Baby chicks like to really stuff their crops full of food, especially before bed--so you might be seeing something normal. Full at bedtime and empty in the morning is normal if they sleep in the dark.

If they have light all the time, they will tend to eat during the night too, so they will have full crops all the time. This is common when using a heat lamp, but not with the style of brooder I see in your picture.
Ok, that makes sense... the chicks I have in a box next to them have a heat lamp- they don’t have the dark at night. They are much bigger, even though they are only 4 days older... these seramas are just so mini... they really like the heat lamp... they stretch out their wings like they are sun bathing, it’s very cute. Our chickens JUST started laying eggs at like 8 months old... all of a sudden we had 14 eggs, 2 incubators going, we have been really into it.. it’s been really fun to have some Christmas chicks. The serama eggs were from a friend down the street. So, these would be our first seramas. We actually put a camera in the coop to try to figure out who is laying the eggs lol really been quite the experience. Thank you so much for the information.
This is their brooder... we are feeding them medicated chick starter food...


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