Baby Timmy, 5lbs 5oz.


O.e LOL can you guys imagine another Boyd? LOL
Slow and steady, going to try and keep the baby in till the weekend, for ther steriods, then deliver. So far so good.
another update from boyd via his FB

still no update for baby time
Docs have labor down to about one contraction an hour, and the wife got her last steroid injection. They want kelly to keep that baby in for at least one more day..
morning everyone. no new news really. they gave my wife Kelly another steroid injection this morning so they want her to keep the baby in for another 24 hours (which is 34 weeks) which is the milestone where the lungs and heart are developed (me thinks?). So far no signs of infection.. but the wife is trying to freeze me out... no literally freeze me.. she has the ac in the room here cranked to something like 55 because despite theres no infection, she's hot. Hormones maybe?

My mom called me out of the blue while i was on my way back up to the hospital and asked me where I was. I wasn't hearing the busy traffic of dallas in the background and heard a familiar barking dog... yup she was at my house. Mom flew in to surprise me. I love my family and friends

Saddina, thanks for helping me keep everyone up dated. Its kind of weird being so disconnected from the world and walking around dead tired. Thank you everyone for keeping us in your thoughts!
I went thru the same thing, steroid injections, etc. when my first was coming early 20 years ago. He is now a strapping 20 year old. All will be well. Peace, positive thoughts, and prayers your way Boyd. Rest up.
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Hi Boyd

Congratulations on Baby Boyd - We're keeping you and your wife and baby in our prayers.
She's doing a great job keeping him in there. I had the steroids with my first (was born at exactly 35 weeks) and it does make a difference, so it's great that she was able to get them. I froze everyone out my entire pregnancy.
Sorry, Boyd, you'll just have to take a jacket or ask for a blanket. Good thoughts and prayers coming.
All the best wished for you and your family Boyd.

My youngest was born at 32 weeks. My water broke ten days earlier, and they checked me in, gave me steroids for his lungs, and I held him in thank God for 10 more days. Jared will be 2 on July 18th and he is very healthy and a big boy. He is in 2t-3t clothes, so his growth wasn't even stunted.

I really think the steroids(and all the praying) helped. God bless, and good luck.

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