Baby Timmy, 5lbs 5oz.

Pitocin sucks, sorry they are going to give it to her, although I understand completely why they are. (I had it with my preemie, too, they were getting nervous about how long it had been between my water breaking and his heart decels and no delivery.) I'm very excited for you and can't wait to help welcome the new little Boyd.
Just got off the phone with Boyd, they're doing well, 2cm and aside from needing coffee he's holding up too.
oh LOL i remember reading a book about it, but i couldnt remember if thats what that was
THANKIEZ! now im on the same page :3
poor Mrs. Boyd D: hope things going a bit quicker
Boyd buddy, hang in there.

Pitocin....... poor woman.

Random thought............ rubbing your wife's ankles may help too. Acupressure spots for female plumbing and the like.

To use acupressure as a method to induce labor, there are two pressure points that can be stimulated to produce contractions.

They are located:
• In the webbing of your thumb and index finger.
• Four finger-widths above the inside of your ankle bone.

To stimulate the first pressure point, pinch the webbing of your hand and rub in a circular motion for 30-60 seconds at a time, taking a 1-2 minute break in between contractions.

For the latter point, press firmly on the spot. It should feel sore if you've found the right spot. Press and rub in a circular motion until you have a contraction. When the contraction is done begin again.
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what is Pitocin?? i have 2 nieces.. 6 nephews and another nephew comin and i've NEVER heard of that!!

hang in their Boyd!!! i can't wait to see baby pics!!!

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