Baby Timmy, 5lbs 5oz.

He is absolutely handsome little butterball! He should go home very soon!!!!!

Hope Mrs Boyd got all the rest she can! C-section is rough and recovery time is a little longer.

I know about hospital with their nasty food, makes me wonder what they feed in powdered, canned and dehydrated stuff that it would make you gag! Luckily our hospital have excellent foods!
hahaha ya!

wife delivered at 34 weeks 1 day or 6 weeks early according to docs or something like that. The docs were surprised at his size a lil bit, I am hoping he won't be up here too long. wife is sleeping off and on. Wakes up enough to say ouch, hits the morphine button, relaxes enough to talk to me then falls back asleep. we've both been short on sleep rations. right now i am trying to choke down the words worst hospital coffee.

if this joint didn't have a subway that ran 24/7 I'd be in rough shape.

Still! That is AWESOME!!! Way to grow `em mama Boyd!

(Keep in mind that I had three babies under 7lbs each and they were all over due, one was 2 weeks overdue! ;-) So I bow to her baby growing power!
congrats, 1st granddaughter was born early she was 5 pounds 8oz so your baby boy would have been close to 10lbs they say a baby gains a pound a week in the last weeks of the pregnancy so good looking boy tell Mrs Boyd she did great.
Sheesh, Boyd! I go on vacation for a week and you pop out a baby! Just can't leave you unattended for a minute...

Tim is adorable and a total sweetie pie!
Congratulations to you and Mrs. Boyd!!!

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