baby turkey with deformity...

omabird- out of curiousity,do you know how the vets actually do it? An injection? Just wondering.

Others- my plan is that tonight when I get off work I'm going to do everything in my power to give the little thing a really great night....I'll hold it while watching tv, pet it a lot, make sure its comfy and happy and fed and watered and warm and so it has a wonderful last night...then tomorrow will be the day. Thanks so much for all your support. I do feel like a big baby about this and it surprised even me how hard this has been....but you all seem to understand and I am very grateful. thanks to all of you and this site in general. It has really been reassuring to hear from you experienced people that I'm making the right decision. btw....don't know how/why I've missed it before, but today I realized that actually BOTH of its legs are deformed...they BOTH face out. Its especially apparent when I pick it up and hold it on its back....BOTH its legs just flop to the outside, whereass all the other ones legs stay facing straight ahead when held on their back (for only a few moments, not like I'm constantly pinning my little babies on their back!). So yea, this thing is worse than I even thought.
thanks everyone.
My daughter is not here for me to ask. She went river rafting for the weekend. I know they put something on a rag, and put them in a bag. I think it is a gas of some type.
At the risk of sounding cruel again..... The bird is suffering, it does no good to prolong the agony. it is a fact of raising animals that culls must be done. If you can't do it, take it to your vet. There is no reason to go on and on about it while the bird suffers.


Sorry BYC members/mods if I am out of line by saying this but I hate to see anything suffer needlessly
BOTH of its legs are deformed...they BOTH face out. Its especially apparent when I pick it up and hold it on its back....BOTH its legs just flop to the outside,

It sounds more like spraddle leg. If you goggle it you will find lots of information on how to fix it and the cause. I have never been able to fix it but many do.

You sound alot like me. I have got cold in my old age. I don't bond with animals like I use to. Maybe it is a form of self protection but I also no when things are hopeless sooner. I have cried over mice and baby ducks that I have carried for that where not born (hatched) right. I think when you try to get anything to live and you have cared for it, its hard not to bond with it. Its does not take years for me to bond with things. When we put my 19 year old dog to sleep, I made her popcorn and we went for a hamburger and fries. I carried him to his favorite park for a picnic. He could not walk anymore. Then we went to see the vet. It was the right thing.​
FIrst, thanks for the info on spraddle leg....I went to all those links and did some extra googling research....but its pretty clear to me that its not the same thing that my turkey has. I can certainly see why you'd think so, because the symtoms sound very similar, but this guy/girls legs are clearly deformed from the joint down...also, and I just noticed this....the worst leg of the two will not bend at the joint...not at all.

Let me also respond to sands (above). I was first a little miffed by what seemed like a heartless comment, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and trust that you really and truly are comming from the place in your heart that has the animal and only the animal in mind. If thats true, then certainly I can't be angry at SHOULD put the turkey's suffering above my own heartbreak and reluctance to dispatch it. HOWEVER, I do want to justify the delay. First and foremost, other than some extra chirping which I beleive was done only because his siblings often left him behind in the brooder box, there has been no visable sign that he is actually SUFFERING until late yesterday when I noticed a tiny sore starting to form where he was dragging his leg. Today its a tiny bit worse, but not very bad. In short, there is very little evidence that he(or she) is in pain or suffering in that way. Were that the case, or if it had major trama on its body, it would be much easier to cull it. Second, if you will look through this thread you'll see that at least 2 people suggested that perhaps he could said they had a similar problem with a chick and it ended up getting over it. I've also gotten private messages from people saying the same thing. So my delay has NOT been merely a factor of me not wanting to do what is hard. Its been about me wanting to 1) make certain that this is a terminal problem, 2.) make sure that if I do have to euthanize that I gather sufficient advice from experts here on the PROPER WAY to do that, and 3) make sure that I gave the little guy every possible opportunity to recover. Again, those goals combined with a lack of emperical evidence that he/she is in pain or suffering (beyond just getting left behind and having to sit/lay down all the time, and I hope you will see that I'm not prolonging his/her misery just to avoid something unpleasant. Today is the first day that I've become convinced that a) I know the best way to euthanize it, and b.) that there really is no other human option in the long run. ANd I've been at work the vast majority of the I'm really only "prolonging" it , as you say, by one night so I can try and comfort the little guy in his/her last hours of life. I would hope that all of this helps you understand the process I've been operating under the last 3 days. If not, and you want to strike out again, then I'll continue to believe you do so in the best interest of the lame turkey and therefore will not demonstrate any ill will toward you.

The rest of you have been wonderful, and its meant a lot to me.
I'm not striking out. How dare you say that?????? I am stating a fact no mater how long it takes you to come to terms with it and i'm sorry it hurts your tender feelings. Take a look at your local animal cruelty laws, they are pretty much the same in every state to deny treatment for an injured animal is considered animal cruelty. have you ever considered that? Also what you are doing is against the game laws in just about every state and I'm suprised BYC allows a member to break the law and post about it. To be flat honest if I knew where you were I would report you myself. There are specific reasons for the laws, (do you know why) and I think they should be obeyed.

If you want "expert" advise then go see a VET, I have been raising poultry for 20+ years and now mater what I have seen and been thru I will trust a DVM over my judgement any day and any BYC expert or any other online expert. Is it fixable? Show you really care about the poult and spend some money and have a vet tell you to put it down, no need for all the drama.

Put yourself in the poults place... be forced to crawl for food and water. I mean come on?

You want a case an point I'll give you one. A couple years ago we sold some Cochin chicks to a person. Cochins are the chickens with heavy feathers down their legs and are prone to leg problems. Anyway one chick developed spraddle leg, this person went on and on for weeks on all the online groups. In the mean time that poor chick suffered and suffered had sores on its body and finally died after about 2 months. Why? the others trampled it into the ground.


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