babymakes5 your cheeseburger pie recipe


Rest in Peace 1963-2021
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
NW Kentucky
is a hit in this house! I was struggling with what to make for dinner and I chose your recipe. Well, naturally when I went to the pantry I was short this and that so I improvised.

First, I used 2 - 8" deep dish and basically doubled the recipe

I was short ketchup so I used 6 oz of tomato paste and 1/4 C whole milk to make up the difference.

Ummmm there is 1/4 of one pie left, the rest was devoured! folks with the BYC cookbook, check out her recipe on page 65, it is delicious and flexible when you are short ingredients!

Thank you! I am glad you like it! It is my Mom's recipe, and it is so easy and simple.

At first I was wondering "how did she get that recipe?" and then it dawned on me............DUH!

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