Back after more than a year w/a new chick - what is he/she?

TY Coopa, I think it's a beautiful coloring too! That's my amateur opinion hehe.

I am leaning towards believing it's an Easter Egger but RainbowBirds sounds very knowledgeable so maybe I'm just having wishful thinking!

p.s. I forgot to ask - how old do you guys think this bebe is?
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Hey thanks for the props! But I am going with just looks for now and you never know you my have an EE just w/o a beard and a single comb... But your little one looks under a week unless it is just slow feathering. But it is just a little estimated guess

Check out these sites... it may help... scroll down to the chick section.. I am unsure about the size of the chick but with loose/feral birds they are a blend of some type. Well at least in my neighborhood. I have included some locations. I got all this from I looked at this place before I became a member and I still rely on this site for help plus I like the great photos that are on this site.

AGB (American Game Bantam)

OEG (Old English Bantam)

AGF (American Game Fowl) (just to see some adult color)

OEGF (Old English Game Fowl)

I hope this helps cause my gut is bending toward BBR type game mix generations down the line...

I took a look and am now not sure what is who or who is what LOL! I didn't think there'd be such a variety with what looks like identical markings and colors!

Those American Game Bantams are beautiful! I'm leaning towards either that or an EE just based on pics but we shall see.

I'm pretty sure this bebe is less than a week old however it's a feisty thing.
I went to Asagi Hatchery for their input on breed and they instantly agreed with RainbowBirds, that it's a BBRed. I wish I knew what BB meant LOL!!! I am assuming one of the B's stands for Bantams b/c she was showing me pics of Old English Bantams when I asked what it'll look like when grown.

And they said it's 2 weeks old!

Cross fingers it's a hen!!!
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I went to Asagi Hatchery for their input on breed and they instantly agreed with RainbowBirds, that it's a BBRed. I wish I knew what BB meant LOL!!! I am assuming one of the B's stands for Bantams b/c she was showing me pics of Old English Bantams when I asked what it'll look like when grown.

And they said it's 2 weeks old!

Cross fingers it's a hen!!!

Well like I said, I have no clue what it is. Especially since lots of different chicks are colored like that, but my Old English did look just like that. Eye mark and all. That's why I picked her. Too cute.

Now she's just a little butt-head.

I know it gets very confusing at first the bantam is the miniature/Bantam version of the large fowl. But the markings are very similar between the large and Mini ones. I think that they are all beautiful also! Whatever the bebe grows up to be, I am rooting for a hen for you! I just hope the RSL will allow the new chook into the flock without too much conflict.
I love when bebe chicks get playful, watching fluffballs bouncing is sooooooo cute!
Ok I am back lol! At or just past the 3-week mark in age, I have some new pics. Do you guys have the same opinion of what it is and if it's a he or she?
I couldn't get a close-up pic of the legs only b/c NOW it stays still BUT likes to sit. I can tell you the legs are not as yellow as the first pic of feet I posted. It almost looks mustardy pink with a really really SLIGHT greenish tinge to it...if that makes any sense! TY in advance!



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BBR - Black breasted red. It could be Old English game in this color. Could also be hatchery quality Red Jungle Fowl. The face/beak color looks old english to me - but hatcheries often cross Jungles with OEs.
My San Diego Zoo Red Jungle Fowl chicks:

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