Back again with news of my peachicks


Jun 22, 2018
Hello, been suffering with a bad cold (haven't had one for years) and this one seems really nasty anyway two things to report about the peachicks, well three I suppose.

First they are all growing nicely.

Second I had a chick who looked really poorly recently and I was so worried about it. It seemed to be unable to stand and kept almost falling over backwards, couldn't fly up onto the perch but was getting to the food and eating with some difficulty. I thought something wrong with its brain, then noticed its tail. It was pulled right over to one side leaving the poor little thing rudderless. I don't know how it got like that, the house floor is clean so it hasn't been wallowing in muck. After a few days the tail went back to normal and the chick is now fine.

Third, are pea chicks afraid of the dark? I am trying to persuade them that going in their house to roost at night is a better option than roosting outside in the rain. A couple of times recently they have still been out when it had got dark and they would not go in the house. I went and got a couple of torches and lit the interior and, hey presto, in they went. I have now bought a couple of solar/battery lights (no electricity up there) so that I can light the interior until they are in. Will it work, absolutely no idea, but worth a try.

Well that's the news from here.
The 2 chicks I hatched never had a heat lamp they had a brooder (no light) the 12 chicks I bought in were off heat. I'll try and get some pics soon, they are growing up fast.

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