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I have just found out that hugelkulture is not suitable for my climate. but I am thinking to bury wood and not to raise beds. it is too hot and dry with very little rain where I live.

I heard an interview with the folks from Singing Frogs Farm in Sebastopol, CA, USA about that... they got their start in the US Peace Corps doing sustainable agricultural work in very arid regions in NE Africa. In very hot, dry climates they actually dug out recessed garden beds - the opposite of building raised beds - in order to shelter the garden soil from the heat, intense sun, and wind. Worked very well for them apparently. I don't know any details about it, but I'm sure a curious person could learn more :)

Edit: Apparently they are called sunken beds or below-grade beds. A google search revealed some discussions on Permies and elsewhere discussing it in connection with hugelkulture as well :)
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