Backyard Brahmas!!

I have often wondered what the trick is that makes brooder always have a super hatch rate over incubator eggs. Now I know. I shall have to try this next time I'm incubating eggs.
I know!!!! I found this information after I had already had 3 disastrous hatches. If I'd known to let the bator cool for a little bit every day, I might have had better luck. At least I know now! My plan for next year is to put a regular lamp timer on the incubator, you know, the ones that you use when you go out of town, and schedule cooling every day until lock down. I'll see if that makes any difference.

Ugh. Just when I thought I had it down.. I thought you could put a splash over golds and get 100% blues? And I also thought blues didn't breed true at all?? :/
Quote: So what happens with splash x gold partridge? I have one 'splash' chick also.
I appreciate the offer of the cockerel but if we end up working with the same colors maybe we could just trade eggs one day.

Brahmas!! I love my Blanca girl. She was my first hen! I will always love her the most. Not to mention she is the sweetest! She will greet me very day when I get home from work. And hollers at me till I pick her up and carry her around for a while.
My big diva girl!

Some Brahmas are sooo needy! Pretty hen....nice pics!
So what happens with splash x gold partridge? I have one 'splash' chick also.
I appreciate the offer of the cockerel but if we end up working with the same colors maybe we could just trade eggs one day.
Splash crossed with gold will give you blue partridge all sexes and both ways (splash male or splash female), I think. That is what the chicken calculator says as well, but Big Medicine is the man to answer that with more certainty than me. Trading eggs would work for me. I'll probably be ready next spring after everyone has grown up, started mating and fertility is checked, I think it will take me that long. Longer if any other problems rear their ugly heads!
Ugh. Just when I thought I had it down.. I thought you could put a splash over golds and get 100% blues? And I also thought blues didn't breed true at all??
As far as I can tell, the first part is correct. Blue x blue = splash & blue, blue x gold = blue & gold, splash x gold = blue, splash x blue = splash, splash x splash = splash & blue, at least that is the way I think it goes. Again, Big Medicine is more informed than I am. Maybe he'll jump in and confirm or deny.

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Good news everybody. All 4 of the 23 day old abandoned are active and 2 are hatching tonight. So happy, thank you everyone for there help. 5 more 18 day old that will be tended to in the same fashion. Will post pics as the hatching is done.

Good news everybody. All 4 of the 23 day old abandoned are active and 2 are hatching tonight. So happy, thank you everyone for there help. 5 more 18 day old that will be tended to in the same fashion. Will post pics as the hatching is done.
I am so happy for you! It makes it that much more special when you know that you saved them!

Okay you have it the same as I was thinking.. Just the way you worded it I guess. :) ("have to have one of each or both blue to get the blue")..

I plan to put my splash boy to some golds so wanted to be sure I'll be right! :)

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