Backyard Brahmas!!

I am brand new to chickens. This is my first flock ( if you call 7 a flock ). I am in love with my light brahma, hatchery chick, it is only 5 weeks old but is getting beautiful already. Can you guys share what you are think about sex...pullet or cockerel?

Looks like a cockerel to me, but I'm notoriously bad at sexing. Pink comb, slow feathering and no tail are my clues. Usually at 5 weeks old they also have feathers over that spot on the wings.
I just got 5 Gold Partridge Brahma chicks! They are adorable. Their names are: Rusty, Dolly, Cherry, Beauty & Tilly. 4 hens and a rooster. They are so friendly. Decided to breed with them when they are 6-7 months old, and expand my Brahma flock!



Fluffy bottom!!

(The silkies you can see in the photos belong to my sister. They are being raised in the same pen as my Brahmas and are the best of friends!)
It is beginning to look like out of my 4 darks, 3 may have vulture hocks. I'd heard it wasn't a common problem in LF, but 3 out of 4 is a pretty large percentage, one of those is a bantam and I've heard that they are a problem in bantams so that was a strong possibility. Oh, well, back to the drawing board!


Here's hoping that I'm wrong.
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The little brown girl up front is a buff brahma, and the white one is a leghorn cross. The mama and the baby both have black spots on their backs. She's definitely getting traits from her so it will be interesting to see what her coloring turns out as.
Agree it´s a cockerel. Just out of interest, mine take ages to get those wing feathers through, much more than 5 weeks.
Almost all of my pullets have shoulders covered by 5 weeks. I think it really depends on the breeding, some just are slower to feather out by my observations. Usually not the pullets though, but my cockerels feather out at all different rates. I read somewhere that feathering speed/slowness is genetic, but I don't remember where I saw it at.

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