Backyard Brahmas!!

Trooper, I think Sally Sunshine is still working with them, but not sure. Have you checked any of the project Brahma pages? It's also really picking up in the BST area of this site, so you can look in hatching eggs and in chicks to see if any have become available yet. Good luck on your search!
Trooper, I think Sally Sunshine is still working with them, but not sure. Have you checked any of the project Brahma pages? It's also really picking up in the BST area of this site, so you can look in hatching eggs and in chicks to see if any have become available yet. Good luck on your search!

Thank you for your response.
I am very excited right now. I have a brahma trio that are about 6 1/2 months old. I needed to incubate some eggs in my incubator to replace the losses that I experienced this fall in my laying pen, it's really a barnyard mix in there. Anyway, I didn't think I'd have any fertile eggs from the brahmas yet, the cockerel is covering the pullets, but they are so young I figured that the didn't know what they were doing. Well, I'm about 6 hours from day 21, and out of the 6 brahma eggs that I put in with they bunch, 4 of them are pipping. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Hopefully, I'll wake in the morning to some brahma chicks being in the bunch!

I am very excited right now. I have a brahma trio that are about 6 1/2 months old. I needed to incubate some eggs in my incubator to replace the losses that I experienced this fall in my laying pen, it's really a barnyard mix in there. Anyway, I didn't think I'd have any fertile eggs from the brahmas yet, the cockerel is covering the pullets, but they are so young I figured that the didn't know what they were doing. Well, I'm about 6 hours from day 21, and out of the 6 brahma eggs that I put in with they bunch, 4 of them are pipping. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Hopefully, I'll wake in the morning to some brahma chicks being in the bunch!

Yay! Fingers crossed for you!
PICTURES! Haven't even started up my bator yet, so any chick pictures are great and vicarious living, lol. Can't wait to see your babies! How are the other (non Brahma) eggs doing?
I won't take them out of the brooder for a few days, but here is a really, really red picture!

Number 4 is currently pipping, I expect it to hatch in the next few hours. I lost one of my non-brahma babies, didn't quite make it out of the shell and only one other non-brahma hatched. Unfortunately, the girls left in the laying pen are not the rooster's favorites, so I expected some non-fertility, but not quite at this level. For only two eggs out of 10 to hatch is not very good (the brahmas hatched 4 out of 6). I sort of expected the ratio in the two pens to be the opposite. The non-brahma rooster may have to go into the pot if I have to go out and buy layers at TSC to get my egg production back up. We'll see what happens. I'm going to set some more eggs on Thursday night from the Brahma pen. If I get some pullets that I don't want to breed (and I'm sure that I will), I can also put them in the layer pen to try to up my egg production for eating. Their eggs are much smaller than my production hen eggs though, so I was really hoping to replace some of the production hens. Oh well, I'll figure it out when I get back into town. Does anyone know what kind of chicken can lay a large egg, but is also fairly large bodied themselves? Maybe I should just order some chicks or some eggs of the breed I want. Right now, I've got a real mix in there...they all lay nice large eggs though. If I order some eggs, hatch them myself, I can get myself a replacement roo since I'm not particularly fond of the guy I have in there right now. He's not a really bad egg and is really pretty, but I'm just not sold on his personality. He's always giving me the evil eye...unlike my Brahma cockerel.

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