Bad girls got caught running around, Animal Police stopped by today..

cute story, glad your chickens are safe tho! and hey, having them fenced in isnt such a bad idear!
OH NO! Little chickens with little chickie criminal records!

Don't all of you know that the country side is supposed to be clean and sanitary and under CONTROL!!!!

I wouldn't move the chickens closer to neighbors side, the $$#$%@#$ may try throwing poison stuff over the fence. I do feel she should benefit from the heavenly aromas of compost piles, manure etc. Plus maybe speakers to broadcast any crowing so she's sure to hear and enjoy it.
Hahahahah, chicks with criminal records, cows with pooper scoopers...

Yeah, my gang of delinquents could swap some stories with yours, they think they own this entire stretch of our road
(And, my house ... if I leave the door to my mudroom open they all just march on in)

Although, as far as the railroad goes, those tracks start vibrating and thundering a long time before the train arrives. I'll be most of their tiny brains would figure out to move to ground that wasn't jiggling.
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The neighbor is probably one that thinks that eggs come form a store an not form a chicken. I just love it when city people move out an can't stand any of the country smells or noise...

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