Bad houseguest :( Lost an entire hatch.

Actually, as they're LED lights, there is no danger. Since the lady in question turned out to be a thief as well, I think I'll go right ahead and blame her. Though I'm blaming myself for allowing her into my house.

Thanks for your opinion. Have a nice day.

She stole from you also !!! Ugh. What is wrong with people. I also admire your ability to deal with negativity.
Actually, as they're LED lights, there is no danger. Since the lady in question turned out to be a thief as well, I think I'll go right ahead and blame her. Though I'm blaming myself for allowing her into my house.

Thanks for your opinion. Have a nice day.

She stole from you also !!! Ugh. What is wrong with people. I also admire your ability to deal with negativity.

Yup. Laptop, PS/2, Digital camera, money that was in the bathroom and a bank card from an account I no longer have with no money on it, and a bunch of DVDs. I'm letting the police handle it. It just really sucks that people have to be so icky.
Oh NO!!!!!! That's terrible.
She stole from you also !!! Ugh. What is wrong with people. I also admire your ability to deal with negativity.

Yup. Laptop, PS/2, Digital camera, money that was in the bathroom and a bank card from an account I no longer have with no money on it, and a bunch of DVDs. I'm letting the police handle it. It just really sucks that people have to be so icky.

This is why I have Snakes, Lizards, Tarantulas etc, keeps the riff raff from settling in .
People call asking to stay for a visit , I say sure but you have to be able to visit with all the above.
needless to say I dont have many over night guests or day visitors either. works for me.
Well, personally, I thought her response to you after buying the Christmas tree was a little arrogant, so you are certainly better off without her. I hope you definitely get your stuff back and that your soft heart won't let you back down from pressing through with the charges.

Any report more on the eggs? I'm really curious after the other couple of amazing stories as to whether any of your clutch will come through. My fingers crossed for you.

Hi Connie. The entire hatch died.
I had one that did try to pip four days late, but didn't make it out of the shell. I tried to help by taking the large end of the top off, but it was just too weak and lethargic. It just went to sleep and never woke up. The rest were dead in the shell. I opened the tops of them all after that one pipped, hoping that others might still be alive, but they weren't. All fully formed, one had pipped into the membrane but not the outer shell.

The hen who produced that clutch went broody over her next clutch and is due any day now.

I have pressed charges. Because she's out of state, they can't do anything until or unless she returns, and there's no hard evidence, but I'm going with the 'accessory before the fact' argument, since any person with a brain knows better than to leave a door to the house unlocked all darn day. I'm hoping that we'll get a court date - she'll have to show up to defend herself in person or I'll get a default. I won't get my stuff back, and I probably won't get recompensed at all, but if she doesn't pay it, I can put a lien on her credit rating that will screw that up and since she works with insurance, it'll mean she'll lose her license. Can't handle securities if you have a theft on your record.

It was just a horrible experience all ways round. I just .. can't believe someone would be that stupid, to shut off an entire power strip like that, and am having a hard time believing she'd steal from me or be dumb enough to leave the door open without letting me know. The evidence is against her, though.
It's just .. difficult to comprehend. I would never do that to anyone, ever.

Man She works for an Insurance outfit, and steals you stuff?! Im just asking here, but are you sure someone else didnt get into your house and take that stuff? I know people can be worthless, but I think this is a new low, she had to know that you would figure out she took tht stuff!
Nope. I have no hard evidence that she took my stuff. She left my house before noon, leaving my front door unlocked. I came home at 4:30 and the door was partially open and a bunch of stuff was missing. I don't know if she took it or if she just left the door unlocked and someone walked in and took it. However, since she made no effort to call, text, or email me to let me know my house was unlocked, in my state it's considered just as if she did steal it because she enabled someone else to steal it and had to know she was opening me up to theft.

She works with health insurance. Don't know which company. The reason I think it's her.. my narcotics and antibiotics were missing from my bedroom, but nothing else. The Vicodin in the bathroom medicine cabinet was untouched. The narcs were part of my pain management contract, the Vicodin was leftover from surgery earlier this year and had no refill. (and, frankly, was still there because I'd forgotten about it and hadn't thrown it out yet.) So I think it was deliberate, because she knew insurance wouldn't cover an emergency fill between normal fills and all the other brouhaha that followed. If it was some normal thief, and they were going for narcotics, why wouldn't the medicine cabinet be searched, and why would the very valuable jewelry laying on my dresser not have been taken? Just the drugs in a drawer by my bed.

It's very shady. I'm very unhappy about the whole thing.
No silkie yet
I'm working with someone who breeds them for show, and this spring will get some potentially show quality babies.
I really want to have some birds at the State Fair this year, and quail apparently don't count as poultry

Next weekend, I'm hosting a BYC meet/greet/bird swap, and am getting at least one pair of Seramas from ChickenAddict
(and there's a betting pool on how many OTHER birds I will get


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