BAD Rooster!


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
Well, I have tried everything with this rooster. He has been attacking me for MONTHS, and for a while I've been able to keep him in check by carrying him around under my arm for a few minutes once a week or so. Our peace treaty came to a grinding halt yesterday when I was taking treats out to the white faced black Spanish pen, and stupid Rico the Rooster came up behind me out of nowhere and WHAPPP!!! He flogged my leg, kicked me, and spurred me! My whole left knee is still swollen almost 24 hours later, and this morning it's purple & you can see where his spur penetrated the skin -- it broke the skin & I cleaned it out right away to keep it from getting infected. The inside of my knee hurts, and you can see where it's all swollen & is about 1-1/4 times the size of my other knee. Hurts when I walk.

He has been locked up in a small black cage by himself, right in the middle of the yard (in the shade... I ain't THAT cruel), and he's right where all his hens and the OTHER ROOSTERS can see him. I went to give him food and water this morning & he attacked my hand.

He is likely going to be dispatched in the next day or so. We have too many sweet, good-natured roosters in our flock to put up with this crap.
You have a lot more patience than I would have had.

You tried to reform him, but now it sounds like any chance of trust is gone.

I hope it is not a puncture wound, and if it is, I hope you have your tetanus shot up to date. Keep a close eye one your wound, and I hope it heals up well.
scratch'n'peck :


You tried to reform him, but now it sounds like any chance of trust is gone.

I hope it is not a puncture wound, and if it is, I hope you have your tetanus shot up to date. Keep a close eye one your wound, and I hope it heals up well.

Yep, it's a puncture wound, but it's not deep... and yes, my tetanus is current, thank heavens!
I was in an accident 2 years ago and received a 10-year tetanus booster while I was in the hospital after my accident.

We have REALLY tried with this rooster. He was so sweet and so awesome for about the first month we had him (got him mid April & he was about 5-6 months old at the time), but he freaks out at my lily-white legs when I go out in shorts! But the last couple of times he's come after me, it didn't matter whether I had shorts on or not.

I have had dog bites that didn't hurt as bad as a stupid rooster attack.

He's gonna be real tasty with homemade noodles and mushroom gravy.​
Yep, it's a puncture wound, but it's not deep... and yes, my tetanus is current, thank heavens!
I was in an accident 2 years ago and received a 10-year tetanus booster while I was in the hospital after my accident.

We have REALLY tried with this rooster. He was so sweet and so awesome for about the first month we had him (got him mid April & he was about 5-6 months old at the time), but he freaks out at my lily-white legs when I go out in shorts! But the last couple of times he's come after me, it didn't matter whether I had shorts on or not.

I have had dog bites that didn't hurt as bad as a stupid rooster attack.

He's gonna be real tasty with homemade noodles and mushroom gravy.

How can you possibly do that to any animal?

Mushroom gravy? No, use Chicken gravy!
some one i know had 2 banty cockerels who use to attack wen he was feeding his hens and he use to just grab a bucket of water and throw it over them and they eventually stopped

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