
In the Brooder
May 15, 2022
Hi all
My first time posting. I’ve recently rehomed some ex battery hens and they’ve all being doing really well in terms of fattening up a bit and growing healthy feathers.
A few have had issues around their necks though, with one in particular who’s lost feathers all down her neck and chest.
I think there may be a bully in the flock but this seems to be more than just pecking. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts and advice. Thank you so much. I can email pics as don’t know how to post them here.
Holly x
Hi all
My first time posting. I’ve recently rehomed some ex battery hens and they’ve all being doing really well in terms of fattening up a bit and growing healthy feathers.
A few have had issues around their necks though, with one in particular who’s lost feathers all down her neck and chest.
I think there may be a bully in the flock but this seems to be more than just pecking. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts and advice. Thank you so much. I can email pics as don’t know how to post them here.
Holly x


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First of all, I want to welcome you to BYC and say well done for saving those battery babies!
If you ever need any help navigating around here or you just wanna chat, drop me a PM or a message on my profile! And if you need any advice, come find me here

Now the advice: I think finding out who the bully is and separating them for a few days is a good idea. Sorry I can't help more.
First of all, I want to welcome you to BYC and say well done for saving those battery babies!
If you ever need any help navigating around here or you just wanna chat, drop me a PM or a message on my profile! And if you need any advice, come find me here

Now the advice: I think finding out who the bully is and separating them for a few days is a good idea. Sorry I can't help more.
Thank you so much for the reply. Yes, I think I may need to do that. Do you think I should separate her during the nighttime too, as we have a separate run she can use during the day, but not sure for nighttime. Thanks again. X
Hello HollyHens.
Welcome to BYC.

Strangely it's a question I've been trying to find the answer to recently.
Here's one of the Ex Battery hens I look after. While not as bad as some I think this is the type of feather loss you are concerend about.


The most likely explanation I've come accross so far is the feather loss is from habitual pecking by the hen herself. I'm told that battery hens do this because the feathers contain protein which they may not get enough of from their feed.
What I can write is it is unlikely to be from bullying from other hens.

Somewhere in this thread you can find picture of other hens with thhe same bare patches.
A few of the hens who have become established higher in the group hierachy have improved in feather condition in this area.
You are more than welcome to join in on this thread which is primarily about keeping Ex Battery hens. Somewhere in the thread you will find other pictures of the problem you are concerend about.

Thank you so much for the reply. Yes, I think I may need to do that. Do you think I should separate her during the nighttime too, as we have a separate run she can use during the day, but not sure for nighttime. Thanks again. X
Don't seperate her please. It really is unlikely to be bullying and the stress of being seperated from her friends will be considerable.
Don't seperate her please. It really is unlikely to be bullying and the stress of being seperated from her friends will be considerable.
Ah I’ve only just read this properly. Yes I don’t like the idea of separation but I’ve read a few posts suggesting it.
I’ll see if I can add a bit more protein to their diet and will just give them time and love.
And I’ll join that other group too.
Thanks so much all.
One of them fell asleep on me today ❤️


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Shad is very experienced. The only time I've seen feather loss like that has been from broodies plucking themselves to line a nest. That is highly unlikely in your case. I would think it unlikely another hen is responsible. Too difficult to reach & too easy for the owner of the feathers to attack. Any feather pickers I've had have tended to pluck bum feathers.
Ah I’ve only just read this properly. Yes I don’t like the idea of separation but I’ve read a few posts suggesting it.
I’ll see if I can add a bit more protein to their diet and will just give them time and love.
And I’ll join that other group too.
Thanks so much all.
One of them fell asleep on me today ❤️
Fish works really well. Plain white fish will give them a protein boost without the problem of extra fats.
Tinned mackerel is fine to but not too much because of the fat content.
Lean meat works well but again only about a cubic inch every other day.
Are you in the UK?
Where did youu get the Ex Battery hens from and what advice did you get when you got them?

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