Bananas 70 cents a lb.

Bananas like potatoes, chicken and rice used to be foods that helped the poor get by. They are all approaching prices that hurt the middle class. I hate to see where prices go on everything after all these storms in Iowa. We get alot of our corn from Iowa and corn prices affect the prices of most other foods.
2 years ago when I was in Australia they had damage to their banana crops and they were $4.50 a lb
My 80 year old Grandfather had been going without because he couldn't afford them. Yes I bought him some when I was there, he told me off but boy did he enjoy them.
Regular ol' conventional nanners are $1.19/lb here's shameful! I don't even look at the organic ones anymore
We have them for $0.49 at our Aldi's. We go through 3-4 bunches a week!!

And $4.00 for a LOAF of bread?!?!?! I get my bread at Aldi's for $0.69 a loaf. I can't believe it's that high out there!

I'd love to be told off by someone that's got an Australian accent! Beautiful sound even if you're gettin' hollared at! LOL!!

Stacy my Grandfather is English and has lived in OZ for about 50 years now. So when I get "told off" it's by a little English man ( I'm 8 inches taller than him ) with an English/Aussie accent. It's quite a hoot and I love every second of it.
mangled, we don't have Aldi's either. My husband used them when he lived in Chicago, but the only discount grocery we have here is Grocery Outlet, and they are sort of sucky. It can be hard with a big family to feed, that is for sure, but we came the realization about a year ago that growing more of our own food was the only answer.

I'm so glad I planted extra corn this year (we should have somewhere between 150 to 300 ears, depending on how many per stalk we get). Those floods in Iowa are gonna blow the corn prices even higher.

The $4 bread was a local company (Franz), too. Unbelievable. So instead, my husband is baking 2 loaves (from scratch) as I type.

Don't even get me started on how much it was to fill my gas tank yesterday.

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