Bananas 70 cents a lb.

You gotta do what you gotta do. RIDE FREE IN AMERICA! Civil disobedience, people
In Asia, it is how people have to do it. I suspect America will have to succumb if gas keeps going up the way it has.




Be thankful they are so cheap, they travel a long way to get to you. After a thousand + mile trip, to still be .70 cents a pound is a great deal.
Don't get me started on buying local food, I won't stop.
Thanks, Alaska. You guys aren't that much cheaper either. What's your fuel running these days? Ours popped up to $4.59/gallon at the "cheap" station. Diesel is $5.14/gal.

I know things are tough all over but sometimes it's hard to hear people complaining about paying 50 cents a lb for bananas or a $1.25 for a loaf of bread. Except for an ocassional steal at Wal-mart I never get bread cheaper than $2.99 a loaf. The fact is, though, we're all hurting.

Everyone in my office is trying to figure out what to do to get by. We're talking about changing work hours so we can walk to the office (most of us live >4 miles from the office) or maybe working four ten hour days to cut out one day of commuting. We weren't too worried because we can subsist in salmon and deer here but our salmon runs are coming back so poor that they just closed sockeye fishing for sport and subsistance on the biggest used river here.

I manage the commercial sportfish operations for my companies lands and our guides are having cancellations right and left due to fuel and the fish closures.

Unfortunately, I can't even think about raising a cow or pig because the cost of hay is through the roof and Kodiak doesn't really have much in the way of grazing land that isn't already tied up. People are going to start poaching wildlife soon if things don't get better quick.
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.39 a lb for bananas and .79 per loaf of white bread or $1.25 for wheat bread at Aldi's.

.99 a lb for red grapes ON SALE at Krogers here in Decatur, IL

Now where is the cheapest watermelons? Personal sized ones please!
Thanks, Alaska. You guys aren't that much cheaper either. What's your fuel running these days? Ours popped up to $4.59/gallon at the "cheap" station. Diesel is $5.14/gal.

I know things are tough all over but sometimes it's hard to hear people complaining about paying 50 cents a lb for bananas or a $1.25 for a loaf of bread. Except for an ocassional steal at Wal-mart I never get bread cheaper than $2.99 a loaf. The fact is, though, we're all hurting.

Everyone in my office is trying to figure out what to do to get by. We're talking about changing work hours so we can walk to the office (most of us live >4 miles from the office) or maybe working four ten hour days to cut out one day of commuting. We weren't too worried because we can subsist in salmon and deer here but our salmon runs are coming back so poor that they just closed sockeye fishing for sport and subsistance on the biggest used river here.

I manage the commercial sportfish operations for my companies lands and our guides are having cancellations right and left due to fuel and the fish closures.

Unfortunately, I can't even think about raising a cow or pig because the cost of hay is through the roof and Kodiak doesn't really have much in the way of grazing land that isn't already tied up. People are going to start poaching wildlife soon if things don't get better quick.

Ugh, what about a co-op on a cow? Two or more neighbors go in on a cow? Split the cost of feed, share the milk/or meat?

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