Bantam Breeding Cages


10 Years
Jan 10, 2010
I thought I would post some pics of the bantam cages I am working on. I use these for holding pairs or trios during breeding season for controlled matings. They are 3ft x 4ft x 2 ft tall. They will have hanging feeders, pop bottle waterers, roost and a nest box when I put the birds in there. I have used variations of these for many years and I know many breeders who do so also. Just thought I would share some pics of them. I will say I think this is the best one I have built so far though. And they are relatively cheap to build and took me about 3 hours to build.





the only thing you might want to rethink is adding 2" to 3" side on the bottem to keep the birds from kicking out the bedding, other wise your cage looks great
Well I have built them in the past with 1x4s on the side but it seemed to keep too much stuff in the cage. I dont mind a little bit of shavings coming out of there, they will be changed often enough to not really worry about it. I chose the 2x2s as the best structural size that wouldnt make it too heavy also. The whole cage maybe weighs about 20 lbs or so..
I will post more pics when I have them in the barn with chickens in them in a month or so...
Why do you not put hardware cloth on the bottom instead of a solid floor?
And do you just set them in the yard or do you hang them on the wall of the barn or how else do you set them? Do you stack them at all?

Really nice work. I thought about that except with wire floors and treated 2x2's so I could drag them out into the yard to hose down the flooring when needed.

Can't wait to see your finished product with feeder and nest box.

most people don't raise them on wire floor . if you show them you do not want them to mess up their feet but getting their nails or toes caught. I have found that if youy raise them on solid floor you do not have to worry about their toe nails getting super long and curling also. because they keep them filed down.
Lookin' great! I like the wood floor, it looks real nice that way and I think shavings would look great in there. Cheap, easy and sufficient!

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