Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

I’m in the deep southern parts of the USA... never had to heat my birds. News Channel says fall weather here might last through winter.. :th
Holy your way too lucky Kayla....:eek:
I'll be freezing my giblets off And slipping on ice for months before we see green again..:barnie
The ducks are pretty unhappy about the cold. They have a nice warm coop but they sit outside and complain!
I know you have Calls and Bantam chickens if I'm correct? :frow
Please share...:fl
I know she does too, I just opened a box of eggs from her! Cochin, serama, and cream legbar. They arrived with none cracked, a few messed up air-cells but cant do anything about that. So, well see what comes of this one!
I know she does too, I just opened a box of eggs from her! Cochin, serama, and cream legbar. They arrived with none cracked, a few messed up air-cells but cant do anything about that. So, well see what comes of this one!
So exciting...I bet your thrilled to get them started..:wee

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