Bantam chickens.. a friendly discussion about all pure and mixed breeds.

I am a duck person and have been breeding selectively to get a better colour and smaller Calls without the stubby bills.. It's a hobby is all...:frow
I want call ducks in the WORST way ... but my neighbors would shoot me. They're so tolerant of my under-the-radar roosters that I don't dare take the chance on noisy "ducklets!"
I want call ducks in the WORST way ... but my neighbors would shoot me. They're so tolerant of my under-the-radar roosters that I don't dare take the chance on noisy "ducklets!"
Yes..Call Hens are noisy little Birds. Yesterday when we were working on the pen my Ducks flew high above us and landed back around the house again. I was a bit shocked because they don't do that very often..My Son ran to do a head count. All 5 are still here..
Can you have a miniature bantam chicken? A bantam bantam?
We had a super-tiny Nankin. She was itty-itty-bitty! I had planned to breed her back to my smallest roo, but there must have been something wrong to cause her tiny size. She didn't live very long. I wish she had, though ... she was SOOOOO neat! At 16 weeks, she just barely filled my palm! I wish I had pictures, but she never sat (or even stood) still long enough to get any good ones, and when she roosted, the others wrapped her up like a mama hen with littles!
My Black and White Ancona Drake and the Lavender Ancona Hen I hatched this year. :hugs

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