BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For me personally I never choose who to keep till they are older as their color can change so drastically. Most of the chicks above have the partridge pattern coming in but they could be Partridge with millie fleur coloring come in later I have a few partridge Millie fleur bantam cochins and they are very pretty. The last one could be calico. The two above the last one I can not tell yet. None of them are Gold Laced I have raised Gold laced off and on. I have one now and they do not feather in like any of the above chicks. here aresome picture of one of my some of my partridge Millie Fluer Bantam Cochens.

The far right bottom has partridge coloring with the Millie Fleur pattern also
Beautiful, colorful flock!! I just hatched my 3rd clutch this year! The largest so far with 12 babies! I was able to sell 8 which was very hard to do as I am always curious what colors I am going to end up with? I kept 4 but have no idea what colors I am going to end up with as they seem to change daily! The one that I thought was mottled now has black and brown feathers? I'll upload more recent photos soon as this one is about a week old and they have changed so much already!
Hello there everyone, I am looking for some hatching eggs if anyone has any available. I was hoping for Mottled or BBS but I am easily talked into other colors lol. I have eggs arriving this week and I would love to start them all at once. I appreciate it so much!
Two of my sweet chicks have started to crow. They are 9 weeks old. I can only keep one since I have a small flock of 5. One is definitely in charge and is constantly reminding the other. My Question is, which one should I keep? This is my first flock.
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Beautiful, colorful flock!! I just hatched my 3rd clutch this year! The largest so far with 12 babies! I was able to sell 8 which was very hard to do as I am always curious what colors I am going to end up with? I kept 4 but have no idea what colors I am going to end up with as they seem to change daily! The one that I thought was mottled now has black and brown feathers? I'll upload more recent photos soon as this one is about a week old and they have changed so much already!

I would like to see closer up pictures of each one. The top right one is a blue, the black one you will have to wait till it feathers in as you said it has brown in with the black, is it a cross of colors. The two others are hard to say with out a picture of the backs etc, might have to let them feather in a little more also, I was thinking partridge but not sure.
My LF Cochin seems to be a bantam. He's 11 weeks old and still so tiny! And a boy.
He was supposed to be a LF cochin girl.

Trying to decide if I might want to try keeping him. He's laid back. If he were a little peon like my lavender orpington likely a rooster, then he'd go back to the breeder/farm.
I don't need a boy in the flock. There are plenty of roosters already in the neighborhood, but we aren't a fan of crowing all day long in our yard.

How big do they get when they are full grown. I gave up looking after the 5th site just said "bantam" when I was trying to figure out how big.
Are they typically a crow all the time type of bird or just a few times a day when the urge strikes?

Existing flock is an orpington, barred rock and a black sex link.
Hey guys! Long time no see ugh. Probably 8-9 days? Well I am so sorry for literally no updates, so I am going to cram all of the interesting stuff about them/what happened here!
All 10 are hatched, all super healthy, and really cute. They are all eating, drinking, and just doing generally really good. The only 2 chicks I can identify both of their parents of as of right now (since all of the other ones are grey/black and look the same.)

Here are some pictures ヽ( ・∀・)ノ sorry they are pretty bad quality, and I can't really help it since it was my phone camera rip. anyway picture #2 is the polish silkie- there is another one, but I didn't take a photo of it :<

My LF Cochin seems to be a bantam. He's 11 weeks old and still so tiny! And a boy.
He was supposed to be a LF cochin girl.

Trying to decide if I might want to try keeping him. He's laid back. If he were a little peon like my lavender orpington likely a rooster, then he'd go back to the breeder/farm.
I don't need a boy in the flock. There are plenty of roosters already in the neighborhood, but we aren't a fan of crowing all day long in our yard.

How big do they get when they are full grown. I gave up looking after the 5th site just said "bantam" when I was trying to figure out how big.
Are they typically a crow all the time type of bird or just a few times a day when the urge strikes?

Existing flock is an orpington, barred rock and a black sex link.
Here's a few pics of my cochin cockerels that are about the same age. The black is Penguin & the white is Ducky. Both very sweet & quiet. Crow in the AM then pretty much nothing from there out. I do have an adult roo that's a d'uccle-cochin who's a bit talkative...generally when he here's another, the am, calling the girls to food, enter the yard, etc. He's awesome in taking care of the hens. He's able to be loud, but for the most part not that much. I think how much/louda roo gets to be depends upon the individual roo. I've not a lot of experience, so not sure how much breed comes into play. The other pic is of my roo, Fancy Pants. He's full grown. Hopefully, that'll give you an idea of size. His favorite hen is a sex-link so I wouldn't worry about a bantam with a lf hen. There's a pic of my adult cochin hen, Hops too. Please excuse the mess that is my's a work in progress.

Ducky & Penguin

Fancy Pants & Penguin(at least his tail)

Fancy Pants behind my Sultan(Marshmallow) with my sex-link(Toodles-molting) & Penguin

Hey guys! Long time no see ugh. Probably 8-9 days? Well I am so sorry for literally no updates, so I am going to cram all of the interesting stuff about them/what happened here!
All 10 are hatched, all super healthy, and really cute. They are all eating, drinking, and just doing generally really good. The only 2 chicks I can identify both of their parents of as of right now (since all of the other ones are grey/black and look the same.)

Here are some pictures ヽ( ・∀・)ノ sorry they are pretty bad quality, and I can't really help it since it was my phone camera rip. anyway picture #2 is the polish silkie- there is another one, but I didn't take a photo of it :<

OMG....they are way too flippin cute!!!!
Two of my sweet chicks have started to crow. They are 9 weeks old. I can only keep one since I have a small flock of 5. One is definitely in charge and is constantly reminding the other. My Question is, which one should I keep? This is my first flock.

I would keep the on that is not bossy, he will probably end up being nicer and more docile. Although, he might be more skittish too.

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