Bantam or Standard?


8 Years
Jan 16, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Lately, my brother has been obsessed with bantams. He thinks they are cute and wants to buy some. We have 4 standard Orpingtons and Barred Rocks that give us 3-4 eggs a day. I have read that bantam eggs are half the size of normal eggs. If so what is the point of them besides showing? What are some pros and cons of bantams?
Lately, my brother has been obsessed with bantams. He thinks they are cute and wants to buy some. We have 4 standard Orpingtons and Barred Rocks that give us 3-4 eggs a day. I have read that bantam eggs are half the size of normal eggs. If so what is the point of them besides showing? What are some pros and cons of bantams?
It is hard to keep bams with large fowle the bantams are commonly picked on

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