Bantam Rooster Stepped on - Leg Issues not Broken


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
Lima, OH
Our Old English Game Bantam rooster hurt his leg two days ago. I got him out to be fed alone so that he wasn't hurt at the feeding dishes, but a turkey came over (seeing me get food out for him) and stepped on him on accident (my fault for not keeping a better eye on where all of the other birds were). I checked him over and his leg is not broken and his foot is not really curled up and it is not swollen. I've checked it over very well and nothing else seems to be wrong with him. I assume it is sprained, but I am not entirely sure of what else I should do for him. He is isolated now.
Just give him time to heal and keep an eye on him. You could soak his leg in warm Epsom salts water....but I didn't as mine was more stressed by my handling him.
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Just give him time to heal and keep an eye on him. You could soak his leg in warm Epsom salts water....but I didn't as mine was more stressed by my handling him.
I might soak it then. Someone in another thread suggested giving crushed up baby aspirin in the water, however I was not sure if chickens should have asprin (I know that they can, but is it worth the risks?). He is up and crowing, just has his leg tucked up under him. When he lays down, he lays to a side because his leg hurts him.
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You could try soaking it if it doesn't stress him too much. It would have to feel better from that. It took my rooster a few days to stop dragging his leg. Then he went to just favoring it and then it was all better.
I just thought I would update this post for anyone who might be reading it in the future. The little bantam rooster is almost completely healed. He is so much better and so much happier. To discourage him being with all of the bigger animals, we are looking to go get him a few more hens and am training him to eat in an area that the big poultry can not get to.

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