Bare saddle feathers


Premium Feather Member
Feb 15, 2023
Eastern North Carolina
I just found that 3 of my 14 chickens have bare backs. It looks like their saddle feathers were plucked out. That's the only spot affected. No other signs of trauma.I have no roosters that I can attribute this to. I haven't seen any overt signs of bullying but could this be it? They look healthy otherwise and have no issues mingling. :confused:
The coop itself is 7x6 feet and they have an attached enclosed run that is 7x10 feet. They're on the Kalmbach layer feed with 17% protein and some treats (mainly meal worms) occasionally.
My apologies, they actually have a total space of 7 feet by 16 feet (112 square feet).
No free ranging unfortunately. I would love to be able to free range we have a lot of predators in the area. That and I worry they'll run into the woods and won't find their way back..
I already have a head of cabbage in the run. Some boredom buster toys are on the way and I'm hoping these will help.
Thank you for everyone's input!
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My apologies, they actually have a total space of 7 feet by 16 feet (112 square feet).

I already have a head of cabbage in the run. Some boredom buster toys are on the way and I'm hoping these will help.
Unfortunately that's still on the low side, the minimum recommendation is 10 sq ft per bird (and that may be too low for many flocks) and you're at 8 per. Some flocks may tolerate that but since you have feather picking issues it's likely part of the problem.

Boredom busters will help but you need space for those - Adding food or treats as enrichment is only a temporary measure and may dilute down their nutritional intake if offered all the time.

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