Barn Cats and Chickens

I have 2 barn cats! My chickens are in a run with coop attached. I wouldn’t trust either one of my cats alone for one second with my Golden Girls! My cats are hunters but they’re also affectionate and like to be curled. Sometimes the cats lay around the outside of coop just watching the hens lol….
Barn cats dont usually attack chickens. However, a feral adult cat you get from a shelter very well may. I would strongly recommend you get a kitten if you dont want any issues. When they are small give them lots of time around chickens so they are used to seeing them around and they dont see them as a food source. My barn cats couldnt care less about chickens! Although, if you have quail they must be secure from the cats as those are like the perfect snack 😂.
They do. I have no idea how they get in.
You could empty the metal container of chick feed then fill it with water to see where the leak is. They can fit through anything smaller than their skull so it can be a very unnoticeably space.

If the container doesn't leak, turn the lid upside down to check that. If it is neither then it is the fit of the lid on the container.

it could be corrosion or a sprung seam or such.

or you could replace the container.

There is probably also shelter that could be taken away, at least anywhere near the food if you don't want to take all of it away. Double walled building or tall vegetation near the building or piles of supplies.... anything that would make an owl's or cat's job more difficult. Even if you don't have cats or owls around, that if what to look for in solving the problem. Not doing these things means more rodents will move in as these are removed by cat or any other means.
It depends on the cat and the chicken a lot I believe.

My outdoor barn cats have never hurt my chickens, though I used to have one who liked to stalk them a bit. She'd get chased off by my dog who knew no one was to harass the birds so stopped after a couple of times. (or at least while we were out there)
But most of my birds are quite large, and I have a rooster to help guard them. Chicks and bantams I definitely keep a close watch over to make sure neighborhood cats or other predators don't get any ideas.
But in general, I do think barn cats work great with chickens.
I wouldn't be without. I have 2 wild feral cats, 3 barn /garage cats and 1 indoor/outdoor cat. One of the feral cats took an interest when the chicks showed up in the barn. If one had escaped from the brooder, I'm sure it would of been a goner. When goslings started hatching, the 2 feral cats were nowhere to be found and one normally sleeps on a hay stack in the goose shed. Keep them fed enough to stay out of trouble but hungry enough to keep hunting rodents.

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