Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Feel free to send the chicks (meaning pullets
) to me. I have broodies up the ying yang right now.
LOL, it does look like there's lots of pullets:) So far 16 of 18 have hatched with one pipped and one quitter. Most do look like girls with darker chests, but they still haven't fluffed up all the way.

My 4 eggs haven't hatched yet because I set them a day later than the others.

Horray, it's finally going to cool off a little
I'm really looking foward to 90's rather than100+'s. It's been so hot I was worried about the 17 chicks in the brooder. Without a heat lamp during the day they were panting a lot the last 2 days. But now it looks like they'll be just fine since the weather won't be so hot. The last 4 eggs in the bator hatched while we were gone fishing yeasterday. They were from my blue project and the one egg that could result in a splash ended up being a splash chick:)

My blue is a real gentleman, he has taking up well with his four ladies. I moved him and the oldest pullet to the new coop and got him three new girls. He seems to be enjoying the new setup.

Is it typical for a Barnie to take longer to integrate into a new "family"?

Four weeks ago I got a pullet that had already started laying. She's pretty timid which I understand is pretty normal for Barnie's. But at night she still sleeps in the doorway of the pop door rather than on the roost. What makes it funny is that in the morning she lingers in the coop after the others have gone outside and THEN she camps out on the perch! And in the evening, before the others go to roost, she hops up there by herself and hangs out until they come in and scare her off.

She also hasn't layed an egg since the day we brought her home. I've been treating her and one of my other girls for bumble foot, but I didn't think it would be all that traumatic.

So... what do y'all think? Is this a weird bird or am I just being impatient???

It sounds like your shy barnie is just trying to avoid trouble. If the food is in the coop she will have to eat after everyone else has gone out. And then she probably feels safer up out of their reach. It will take awhile for the others to accept her and she is going to get picked on a lot until they are satisfied she knows her place,.. i.e......the bottom of the pecking order. It's easier to intergrate if you do more than a few at a time. Confuses the older established biddies. At least that's my idea of what's happening. could be something else. I had a couple of really mean hens for awhile, all the other hens avoided them and managed to be where ever they were not, but still all the others had bloody combs for awhile. I finally had to give them away. It takes time and sorting to have a flock that is good to each other. Good luck to you. Aya

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