Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

101 tonight at 8 pm. How are your chicks, Helen? Looks like the heat is going to go down a bit now. The rooster got thru it ok
Thanks for your help!
With the misters everyone seems to be doing ok. I think it hit 110 today. not cooling at night either. yuck. and very humid.

My 1st hatch of 5 VB barny eggs has yielded one neurological problem chick that died, one that is not thriving at 8 days and will probably not make it through the night, two that are so far normal and one that is rattling in the chest. 60% weak chicks is not such a good prognosis on how these lines are going to go. Mind you the roo is "unrelated" by 2 years and a 1000 miles, so it is not like this is an inbreed. Can't wait to start the out cross for silver and hopefully get some tougher genetics in there.
Last night my old KC hen was having a hard time with the heat. She was panting really hard and couldn't get up to the roost. It was just so dang hot and didn't cool down after dark! I think the heat was effecting her more because she is a really heavy hen and also one of the oldest in the flock. I had to cool her down by getting her wet. Thankfully she seems pretty much back to normal today.

It's just been way too hot this August with nearly 3 weeks in the 100-114+'s. I can't believe I'm looking foward to this weekend where hopefully it will be a cool 98! Can't believe I'm still getting eggs with this heat. I almost wish the girls would stop laying so they won't have to sit in nest boxes and cook. It's just been an awful summer for many parts of the country:(
I wish I knew about this farm! Im in Bethlehem,ct. I ended up ordering my eggs on e-bay. they are great young chickens and unfortunately too many roosters, but it would have been nice to get them fairly local. I too am looking for homes for my 'guys'.
Hi all... glad I found this thread. I am a new egg as they say... just happen to have some barneveldors in my starting flock and think they are very nice birds. In my web browsing I found there was a local barneveldor breeder in Easton, Ct... Johan van Achterberg of Hidden Meadow Farm... I thought it would be fun to buy some of his eggs and hatch them out on my own which I did and now have 3 little veldors underfoot in the chicken yard... They are in some kind of funky molt stage and look pretty ridiculous right now so I don't have any pictures... but two are definitely roosters and of course, I do not want to keep them... so before they go to freezer camp, as they say, I am offering them for free to anyone interested.

I do not know how well known Mr van Achterberg was or his farm Hidden Meadow... but he has crossed the rainbow bridge as they say and I am not sure how long his wife will keep up the chicken end of the business... these are birds from his line so if they are of value to anyone's breeding program I am happy to pass them along. Here is the web site link for Hidden Meadow... I am in CT... if you need me to ship them you would have to tell me how to do it and cover all the expense... I'm in Newtown, CT
ooops see above
I wish I knew about this farm! Im in Bethlehem,ct. I ended up ordering my eggs on e-bay. they are great young chickens and unfortunately too many roosters, but it would have been nice to get them fairly local. I too am looking for homes for my 'guys'.
Of melodies pure and true...Sayin this is my message to you, Signing don't worry bout a thing

Welcome !
I have 22 eggs in the bator right now (I know I keep saying that I'm done hatching
) and I think the bator has been running a bit hot during all this heat. The eggs started pipping early this morning and they weren't supposed to hatch until late Thursday night more like early Friday. So they are hatching early, but every single egg made it to lock down
. 18 eggs are from Winnetka farms and 4 are from my own birds. I don't have any broody hens to graft the chicks to as my last two "die hard" broodies finally gave up last week. My momma hen is already raising 2 batches of chicks and I doubt I can convince her to raise a 3rd, LOL. I guess I'll be stuck with raising these chicks in brooders.

Thanks pickledchicken! Only 91 today in central California. Phew! And all chicks still alive. I'm surprised, but also happy to see they can "weather" the heat as well as they are doing.

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