Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

So why do you keep posting them.......come on let us know when they are gonna be available.....
Some pics of this year's blue cockerels strutting their stuff.
The light blue cockerel really strutting his stuff, LOL. He has a lot of attitude and tends to always be showing off somehow. Nice top line though.

He has a near perfect comb.

The dark blue cockerel. To far away and a bit blurry, but shows his top line and tail set better. He has a pretty high tail set, but normally carries it a bit more relaxed than this.

He's turning away from me in this pic and it makes his top line and tail set look a bit weird. But this pic shows his colors pretty well.

Check out the fluffy britches on this "tank" of cockerel. This light blue cockerel just a baby and yet has a lot of meat on him. Hopefully he grows into his fluffy butt so he doesn't become dinner, LOL His two brothers have a lot of meat on them too one is darker blue and the other a gorgeous "black".

One of my "cornevelder" pullets.. Really nice lacing and tail, but a bit to dark.
Sometimes I feel somewhat like the "old witch" in the childrens story "Hansel and Gretel". I'm always picking my birds up and feeling how much meat they have on their bones. One of the traits I'm working on is to improve the "dual purpose" trait for meat in my Barnies. But, I guess it's a bit opposite of the story because in my case the ones that have the most meat usually get to stay out of the cook pot.


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