Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Heres my boy from Trisha .

Critique Please...


Well, Mike....I'd say he has a million things wrong with him and he
needs to come back to me LOL. Keep posting pictures and I may want him back LOL. Just kidding !!!!

Lol He can come see his momma anytime! But his girlies are sure gonna miss him, so they might not like that idea lol.

how old is he? Just for records.

Thank ya Trisha!!!
He's about 8 months old. I believe he hatched in May. My computer crashed and all we saved are pictures. But didn't get to save my hatch records:( I'm guessing by the dates on photos I saved.

His "Momma" may miss him but the "ladies" here sure have enough boys and probably don't miss him a bit LOL. They also are glad for the extra roost space at night:) I have more birds to rehome including 3 "pet quality" hens/pullets and 6-7 more cockerels. I'm also holding 2 cockerels and 2 pullets for another person too, just got to get them down to Concord soon.


More pics

The three in the front are from Trisha, the one in the back is from Ideal hatchery

Trisha girls

More of the Trisha Girls

Close up of the Ideal girl, her lacing is good but legs need work

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