Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Hi Royce

I sent that photo of the laced breasted male to you by email. It is from an article in Practical Poultry a UK publication in a breed spotlight they did on Barnevelders. I will have to be careful in the future who I send what too. JK

I am only in this thread because Trisha PM'd me after she ran across me in the CSU thread and said that there was a "mistake" in the current APA Standard for Barnies. I can't cut and paste her messages to post here because of BYC rules, but she does/did want to change the Standard. She also said that Dr Netland said the "translation" was incorrect. I didn't just show up here to shake the cage. She invited me.

Most of the conflict here IMO is novices misunderstanding posts.


I am a retired university administrator and most people thought I had pretty good reading comprehension...little did they know.

Well great....there is no need to continue the discussion on the errors in the Standard if you don't want to change it. That makes it easy for me....and really as I said yesterday I am done with this discussion until Dr Netland returns and wants to talk. People are getting their feelings hurt and who knows what is a no win discussion. That's it for me Trisha.

I will be happy to talk Barnies or even give judging opinions of Barnie pictures, but I'm off the other merry go round.


Please forgive me since I am truly a novice, I am not a retired university administrator, and I may be misinterpreting post, however, from what you have said, Trisha contacted you privately to talk about possible inaccuracies. Then rather than look into it, like I would think a judge would want to do, you chose to publicly reprimand her, insult her, and tell her she knows nothing about her birds and when she speaks in genetic terms you just call it mumbo jumbo, yet we should come to you for questions and advice? Hmmm.....sorry why don't I get a real good feeling about that?
Ok now what?

Here, have a baby chicken.

Well I don't know how you all feel about all this, but I'm sure sad that we won't see Trish on here until fall, although I don't blame her one bit. I'm more of a lurker instead of a talker, but I'm choked right now. Maybe Trish is not a 20 year veteran, but that doesn't make her a bad person nor a bad breeder, and just look at her birds - she has AWESOME birds that scream out "I'm a Barnevelder". I watched this thread almost since it started, and have been reading every reply since I started following it and have read it entirely, some sections more than once. I have LOVED this thread as it's been so positive and encouraging, I have learned so much here.

Something changed a few weeks ago and I just simply don't get it. Someone please explain what the purpose was to insult and belittle one of the very people who have made this one of the most enjoyable threads on BYC? Apparently if you ask a question now, you get SLAMMED. It doesn't matter if someone has been breeding quality birds for a year or for 20, if they are enthusiastic and willing to share information freely and without being judgmental, cruel or rude, give their time freely, if they are constantly working on improving on what they have in their breeding pens, AND they inspire and bring new people to a once dying breed, they are good for the breed and good for the poultry world. I don't own Trish's birds, but her enthusiasm and excitement is infectious, her dedication to answering questions and helping 'newbies' has been so incredible and I hope I can spread that infectious desire to breed better birds to the world around me too.

I don't know where you all come from, but in my neck of the woods, respect is earned. Doesn't matter what titles you have on your wall, what you have done in your past, how good you say you are...its your ACTIONS that speak loudest. The actions of Trish on this thread since I have started here, her generosity and desire to learn and share about the breed she loves (and she ONLY has one breed by choice), the time she spends to posting photos and sharing information, leaves me at the end of the day with a whole lot of respect for Trish. And her enthusiasm, and her hard work to create a "complete" Barnevelder package, no matter what color her chickens breasts are, is what this breed needs more than anything. And now she has been pushed out of here, hopefully only for a short while, by someone who isn't usually part of this thread and it begs the question...why? I just don't get it.

If this sort of thing continues to happen, Barnevelders will die again (as it was said, this is the only thing resembling a breed club right now), and if this is what happens in other breeds, poultry showing and breeding will be dead, the genetics handed over to the big three and heritage birds will be gone. Who would want to do anything with this sort of treatment? So go ahead, discourage the newcomers, discourage the enthusism, toss insults and calls us amateurs, continue to belittle us...the poultry world as you know it will die with you when you go if there's nobody inspired to follow along.
Rachael, you either missed my posts or missed my point. I have repeatedly stated that I don't care how anybody breeds their birds. But I do care when an attempt is made to change the SOP to meet their birds standards.

I imagine everybody knows that the RC Barnie is NOT a Standard bred Barnie. To my knowledge, I know of no one else anywhere who's even attempted it. So I have NO idea if it will ever catch on as a desired variety or not. But I can tell you this... if it were to catch on and there was enough interest to get five established flocks, who bred them true for five years, AND there was a qualifying meet with enough conformational consistency - between cockerels/pullets/cocks/hens - to a Standard that the five of us agreed upon, I surely wouldn't appreciate somebody 10, 20, or 50 years down the road telling me that I had made a mistake and didn't know was a RC Barnie really was. Folks just don't understand that is exactly what they're doing to those original breeders that got them accepted in 1991.

God Bless,

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