Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Here's a pic of the 47 in the brooder. The others were still in the bator.

I just love the chipmunk stripes on Barnie babies! They are so cute and I can't wait for my first hatch...due in two weeks! I candled my eggs and all of them look to be fertile and on their way...hooray! I'm glad I was able to set my own eggs this year, but I'm grateful that I was able to start my flock last year with eggs shipped from you, Trisha. Without that option I would probably still be dreaming of starting my own flock of Barnevelders.
I just love the chipmunk stripes on Barnie babies!  They are so cute and I can't wait for my first hatch...due in two weeks!  I candled my eggs and all of them look to be fertile and on their way...hooray!  I'm glad I was able to set my own eggs this year, but I'm grateful that I was able to start my flock last year with eggs shipped from you, Trisha.  Without that option I would probably still be dreaming of starting my own flock of Barnevelders. 

Good luck with your hatch! :fl for " grand babies" :D


For breeders and fanciers. The club is finally ready to get going. The name change is due to the fact that we simply are based in North America and we are here for anyone who likes the breed, not just for breeders only. Previous: "Barnevelder breeders association", now "Barnevelder club of North America". Visit us and or join!
I have a turkey that lives in the house with me. He is sleeping on the bed next to me as I type. I've been to a lot of Australian websites on chickens reading. You guys have great stuff. Do your Barnevelders look the same as the American ones?
I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams, having a turkey sleeping on my bed !!! But why not - my dog does. LOL. Aussies do have some lovely chickens ... the Araucana's are very different, more like the British version with smallish tufts, a high crown of feathers, a beard and pea comb, BUT with an upright tail. Don't think we have any rumpless one's here. As for the Barnies, my one and only beautiful girl became 'not herself' one day - didn't move around much, but still ate very well - was not social and kept mostly to herself. She sat a lot - and dust bathed, was beginning to moult, and all of a sudden one day I found her in the garden lying down, and slightly to one side. Within two hours she raised her hackles once and .... died. Had eaten normally about an 3 hours beforehand ??? I was very upset of course. As for their feathering - they are quite similar to the American Barnevelder ... with good lacing on the wings - sometimes a double lacing ( not sure if that is a good feature or not ) Milly I think was double laced.... brown colouring beneath the lacing and a slightly darker brown breast with very little lacing on it. My Milly laid beautiful brown eggs - and indeed was laying up to about 2 weeks before she died. ?? She was not egg bound, or so I believe from inspection and feel. I did not have an investigation into her death. I have heard that Barnevelders are sometimes difficult to raise, as they seem to inherit a lot of traits and flaws, and diseases ( vertically given from mother ) ... so while I love the breed, I will never have another one. So I have only 3 chooks left now - Mindy Araucana, Molly RIR, and Mandy Welsummer. Mindy is in a separate run, as the other two would seriously kill her if they got half a chance. But they are beautiful and I love them, love to watch their quaint antics.

Hope you have good luck with your Barnvelders, especially in the horrid weather you've been having mostly in the east and mid-west.

Cheers ....... AB

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